What to do if your child gets lost – practical tips for parents

It’s a tough topic, but incredibly important – what to do if your child gets lost. First off, take a deep breath. While it’s a situation we all hope to never face, being prepared can make all the difference. This post is packed with practical tips and guidance, ensuring you and your little ones know exactly how to handle being separated in a crowd. No fear-mongering here, just helpful advice to keep your family safe and sound.

Prevention and Preparation

Educate Your Children

Start by teaching your children about safety in a calm and reassuring manner. Let them know it’s okay to ask for help from a trusted adult if they can’t find you. Educate them on identifying safe people to approach, like police officers, security guards, or staff in uniform.

Use Safety Accessories

Consider safety accessories like wristbands or tags with your contact information. There are stylish options that won’t make your kids feel self-conscious but will ensure they have your details on them at all times.  GPS trackers are another great tool, and also great for older kids starting to venture out on their own.

Memorise Important Information

Encourage your children to memorise their full name, your name, and a contact number. For younger children, rehearse this information regularly so they can recall it when necessary.

Stay Where You Are

Teach your child that if they realise they’re lost, the best thing to do is stay put. Moving around can make it harder for you to find them.

Be Loud

This is a situation where your child should use their big outdoor voice.  Stay where they are and shout for help.  The sooner an adult is with them the better, and in busy places adults might not notice a child stood quietly on their own,  But if a child is shouting for help they are likely to attract lots of attention and get that help.

If Separation Happens

Stay Calm

First and foremost, stay calm. Remember you have prepared your child for what to do in this situation.

Retrace Your Steps

Begin by retracing your steps to the last place you remember being together. Often, children will stay put or return to the last familiar spot they remember.

Inform Authorities

Don’t hesitate to inform authorities or venue staff about your missing child. Providing a recent photo and description can greatly assist in the search. Many places have protocols for such situations that can quickly mobilise help.

Utilise Technology

If your child has a mobile phone, try calling them. Location-sharing apps can also be invaluable in these situations, so consider setting these up beforehand.

Post-Event Care

Stay Positive

When you reunite, keep the mood positive. Praise your child for staying calm and using the safety tips you’ve practised together.

Discuss the Experience

Take time to talk about what happened in a non-threatening way. Discuss what worked and if there’s anything you could do differently next time.

Review Safety Tips

Use the experience as an opportunity to review and reinforce safety tips. It’s a good chance to ensure your child feels prepared and confident about what to do if it ever happens again.


No parent ever wants to imagine their child getting lost, but preparation can make all the difference. By educating your children, planning ahead, and knowing how to react, you can ensure that a scary situation doesn’t turn into a crisis. Remember, the goal isn’t to instil fear but to empower your family with knowledge and strategies for staying safe. So here’s to confident, prepared kids and equally prepared parents!

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