The Ultimate Parent’s Guide to Navigating GCSE Exam Stress

It may only seem like yesterday you were sitting your own exams, and now here you are watching your not so tiny off spring embark on the same journey. It can be a stressful time but you know your child better than anyone. They might need an encouraging push to do their revision, or they might in fact need an encouraging push to take a break. As a parent you might feel helpless, motivating teenagers to stay focused during revision can be a thankless task! Here are a few tips for helping children with GCSE exams support in this parents guide to navigating GCSE exam stress.

Tips for parents during GCSE exams

  • Cut them some slack. Be prepared for some emotional outbursts and don’t take it personally.
  • Support won’t necessarily be asked for, or thanked, but it will be appreciated.
  • They don’t have the hindsight and life experience that adults do to know things will be ok.

Importance of supporting children during exams

Supporting children during their GCSE exams is crucial for their well-being and academic success. Parents and caregivers play a significant role in recognising signs of exam-related anxiety in children, such as increased stress levels, mood swings, or changes in behaviour. By providing emotional support, encouragement, and creating a calm study environment, adults can help alleviate some of the pressure associated with exams.

It’s important to remember that every child is unique and may require different forms of support during this challenging time. Whether it’s offering practical help with revision techniques or simply being there to listen and provide reassurance, showing understanding and empathy towards children facing exams can make a big difference. Ultimately, by being supportive and understanding during the GCSE exam period, adults can help instil confidence in young learners and equip them with valuable skills to cope with stress in the future.

1 Understanding the exam schedule

Make sure you know when and where the exams are, Stick a time table on the noticeboard. It can send a message to your teen that you know what’s going on and you care. Whilst we all know the importance of communication with children during exams, we all know communicating with teenagers isn’t always easy, and sometimes actions speak louder that words.

2 Creating a study timetable

There are lots of strategies to assist kids with exam preparation, perhaps one of the most useful ones is creating a revision timetable with them, that is realistic and achievable. Establish routine for effective revision sessions. It is important that they have breaks too. Balancing schoolwork and mental well-being is something your teen might need your support with.

3 Providing a conducive study environment

Creating a positive study environment at home plays a massive part in teens preparing for their exams. Ensure they have a comfortable workspace and any stationery supplies they might need such as note cards. Minimise distractions for them. And when they need to de-stress a kitchen disco always helps.

4 Offering emotional support

An important part of helping teens though the exam period is providing emotional support. And that support can come in many guises, be it encouragement, listening, motivation, reassurance, or a cup of tea and some biscuits. Part of that emotional support is also setting realistic expectations for children’s performance. It’s important that they know we expect them to try their best, but whatever the outcome we will be there for them.

Encouraging healthy study habits in adolescents

Revision is only a small part in preparing for exams. Sleep, nutrition and exercise are just as important. Let your teen sleep until noon on a Saturday if they want. Make them nutritious dinners. And get them outside breathing that fresh air from time to time. You can even offer to quiz them in the garden so they get some vitamin D at the same time.

6 Managing exam stress

This maybe the first time in their lives that your teen is feeling intense pressure, and they may not always know how to cope with that. Teaching them relaxation tips and how to cope with pressure not only helps in building confidence in kids before their GCSEs, but these techniques will set them up for life.

7 Exam package

Create an exam survival package for your teen. Fill it with pens, note-cards, calming scented candle, bubble bath, post it notes, chocolate bars, a Costa voucher. Let them know you are thinking of them. You might want to make one for yourself too! Fill it with coping mechanisms for parents of GCSE students!

8 Celebrate

Don’t forget to go out and celebrate once the exams are over. They deserve it. So do you!


Parental guidance during exams is really important. Your support can make a huge difference to how your child copes with GCSE Exam Stress.

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