7 ways to teach kids how to conserve energy during Coronavirus

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Right now, families across the world are adapting to a new way of life. Social distancing has forced many to stay home. More people spending more time in the household means that utility expenses may begin to creep upward. So how can we conserve energy in these times? It doesn’t take a certificate from a new entrant gas engineer course to make the changes you need in your household.

Utility companies offer programs to help people manage the expense with limited or no income. Many are suspending all shut-offs for the next one to two months and/or offer flexible payment plans. This is helpful but doesn’t absolve the customer of their debt. Eventually, these bills must be paid off.

Parents can use this opportunity to teach children how to conserve energy at home. Connect Electric lists 7 methods that you can use to educate little ones about being responsible about energy consumption.

Use a Timer for Shower Time

Water heating systems consume an average of 18% of the household’s energy use. Show kids how to efficiently clean themselves to cut down on shower time and conserve energy.

Using a kitchen timer or timer app on a mobile phone, you can determine how long each child spends in the shower. Set a reasonable goal to help them reduce minutes without sacrificing cleanliness.

Warm Up with Socks, Slippers, and Sleeves

Family members might go to the thermostat first when they feel chilly. Teach kids that they can try other things before increasing the indoor temperature. Putting on socks, slippers, and long sleeves is often enough to warm up without using electricity. Little kids will have more fun if you turn it into a game of dress-up!

Show Kids How to Hand Dry Dishes

Dishwashers often include a drying cycle that consumes energy. Enlist the help of your kids to towel dry dishes once they are washed. You’ll still get the time saving and sanitation benefits of the appliance but can lower its energy consumption. This is also a great way to teach children to be responsible, conserve energy and contribute to the household chores.

Plan Electricity-Free Family Time

Plan electricity-free family time each day. This can have two benefits. The first is cutting down on energy use and the second is giving the kids and adults a break from the non-stop COVID-19 news that tends to flood TV stations and websites.

Get creative and come up with fun at-home activities or games that you and the children will enjoy. Try to do things outside if you safely can on nice days. Fresh air and sunshine are great for lifting spirits when you’re stuck at home.

Unplug Devices That You Aren’t Using

Did you know that electronic devices continue to pull energy when they are not in use? Remind kids to unplug anything that they aren’t using. That includes iPods, tablets, laptops, and other entertainment devices. These may be relied on more heavily during social distancing, so balance out increased use by telling kids to unplug when they are done.

Decide Before Opening the Fridge

When it comes to saving energy in the kitchen, encourage kids to move quickly when opening the refrigerator. A good way to go is to teach them to look inside then close the door while deciding what to eat or drink. This will help the appliance maintain the right temperature with less energy.

Switch the Lights Off When You Leave

Switching lights off is one of the easiest things your kids can do to lower the electricity bill while they are at home. Also, encourage the use of individual lamps when your children aren’t using an entire room. For example, if they are reading or playing on a device, they may only need one table lamp to see rather than turning on lights in the entire room.

Energy conservation can help families cope with lost income. It also teaches kids good habits that they can take with them into adulthood. Why not try out the above tips and see how you can enlist your children in helping to conserve energy in the house during the weeks ahead.

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