How aged care opens new doors for elderly people

Aging and aged care is a big topic of conversation in our house. My mum turned 70 this year and has started to become really frail. As she ages, she is beginning to need more help, and so we have been wondering about aged care. In fact, as they age, even the most independent of elderly can come to rely on the help of those in the aged care profession. Much more than just people brought in to ease ailments or help with day to day tasks, one thing you don’t hear about so much is the friendships made with the carers and staff of an aged care facility which can provide life changing social interaction and help many to live a happy and fulfilled life.

The decision to move into an aged care facility is not an easy one and one we have been mulling over – is it time? When will it be time?  Many elderly people fear moving out of their home will limit their ability to go out and pursue their favourite pastimes, or that life in general will go downhill. On the contrary, many find that moving into a retirement home can give them a whole new lease on life. With unique specialist services and programs tailored to the level of care and interaction required, I hear that some residents can feel at home in a retirement village.   

Many Aged care facilities look at themselves as a community

The biggest impact on the daily wellbeing of the elderly can be loneliness. By making the decision to to move into an aged care home, you are given access to a whole network of people, enabling you to forge new connections and make new friends. Aged care facilities often offer classes and workshops for people to learn new skills and socialise.

They also endeavour to provide the facilities for these activities too. From swimming to crochet, there are endless entertainment opportunities on offer for any skill or experience level. Studies have shown that more often than not, people who challenge themselves physically and socially will delay the onset of both psychological and physiological illnesses; more and more reasons to get involved in what is on offer.

Having a helping hand who can manage any tasks, small or big can make living much easier and stress free

By living in a retirement village or aged care facility many of the mundane maintenance and everyday tasks that can weigh us down are taken out of our hands. The stress of having to sort out a leaking roof or a blown light bulb are no more. Furthermore, this prevents any incidents while repairing things around the home. Accidents while doing minor household maintenance contributes to quite a few of the injuries suffered at home when it comes to the elderly. Tripping or a fall from any height can be quite serious, sometimes leading to quite heavy bruising or even concussion. It is nice to know that if help is needed it isn’t far away.

Family comes first

Spending time with family is one of the great joys in life. Being able to spend as much time as we can  with those we love is very important. Living in a retirement village puts the focus more on what you want to do rather than what you have to do, giving you much more free time to maintain connections with the ones we love. Most retirement villages offer two bedroom villas, so that you can still have the grandkids to stay the night and often they have private function rooms for parties or other events. So, if you still want to host a sunday lunch that’s entirely possible.

Aged care can take many forms. From a carer who visits once a week to help out with the household chores, to full-time staff within an aged care facility. As people age, they need to be able to rely on these communities and social networks for both physical and emotional support. From genuine conversation to more specialised care, the right people can change lives. This is something we are trying to weigh up with regard to my mum, and the decision about what care will be best for her over the next decade.

What are your views of elderly care? Perhaps your parents rely heavily on it or your have an experience of your own? Do share in a comment below.

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*This is a collaborative post



  1. Spend time with health care provider, before job begins, to discuss routines, seniors likes/dislikes, medications, potential behavior or any other problems.

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