How to keep a child busy with printed booklets

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Nowadays, it seems like children are constantly looking at screens. Whether they’re playing on their phones or tablets, watching TV, or even using a computer, it’s hard to get them to look away sometimes! This can be frustrating for parents trying to get their kids to interact with the world around them. However, there is a solution if you are looking to keep a child busy without screens. A good way to entertain your kids without screens is by printing booklets for them to enjoy!

Reasons Why You Should Limit Your Kids’ Screen Time

There are several reasons why you should consider limiting your kids’ screen time:


One of the main reasons to limit your kids’ screen time is to prevent health problems. Several studies have shown that too much screen time can contribute to obesity and poor sleep habits in children. In addition, kids who spend too much time staring at screens may be at risk of developing attention problems.

Social life

Another reason to limit your kids’ screen time is that it can negatively affect their social lives. Children who spend too much time in front of screens are more likely to be isolated from their peers and have difficulty interacting with others. In addition, they may have trouble forming and maintaining friendships.

School performance

Finally, another reason to limit your kids’ screen time is that it can negatively affect their school performance. Studies have shown that children who spend too much time in front of screens are more likely to do worse in school than those who don’t. For example, they may have difficulty paying attention in class and may also find it hard to complete tasks requiring them to think critically.

So, how do you limit screen time without your children getting bored?

Personalised Children’s Activity Booklets are a Great Alternative to Screens

One alternative to all of this screen time is personalised children’s activity booklets. These booklets are filled with activities that are specifically designed for your child. They can include things like puzzles, mazes, and games that will help your child use their imagination and stay engaged.

Personalised children’s activity booklets are a great way to break up the monotony of screen time. They’re also a lot more affordable than buying a bunch of different apps or games. Plus, they don’t require batteries or an internet connection!

How to Create a Personalised Children’s Activity Booklet

If you haven’t created a personalised children’s activity booklet before, you’re probably wondering where you should start. We’ve outlined the process for you:

Choose a theme and brainstorm the children’s activity book content

Choosing a theme for your child’s activity book is an important first step. This will determine the overall subject matter and activities included in the book. Once you have chosen a theme, brainstorming the book’s content with your child can be a fun and rewarding experience. Below are some handy tips to help you create an engaging booklet for your children:

  • Choose a theme that is interesting to your child: If they are interested in the subject matter, they will be more likely to engage with the activities in the book.
  • Keep it age-appropriate: Make sure the activities and content are appropriate for your child’s age group.
  • Make it interactive: Include activities that will encourage your child to participate and interact with the material. This will help them stay engaged and motivated throughout the process.
  • Be creative: A brainstorming session should be fun and creative for you and your child. Ask them what activities they’d like included in the booklet and encourage them to let their imagination run wild during this step of the process; it’ll mean they are more engaged with the finished product.

Design the booklet on Canva, Adobe InDesign or Illustrator

If you want to keep your children occupied, you should let them get involved in the design process. You can design activity booklets using tools such as Canva, Adobe InDesign or Illustrator. By doing this, you can let your creativity flow by designing a booklet that will keep your children occupied.

Get the children’s activity booklet printed by an online printing service

Assuming you have already designed and created your children’s activity booklet, you will need to find a printing service that can print your booklet in the required quantities. There are many online printing services available, so it is worth doing a bit of research to find one that offers a good price and is able to print to the required specification. Once you have found a suitable printing company, simply upload your booklet design and follow their instructions for ordering. It is worth considering ordering a few extra copies of your booklet, as children can be very hard on them!

Final Thoughts

Designing and printing an activity booklet for your children is a great way to keep them occupied without resorting to screens. While time in front of the TV and computer is enjoyable for children, too much of it isn’t good for their development, so you should take steps to keep them occupied in other ways.

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