Top tips for taking the stress out of Christmas

It’s December, and that means the countdown is now officially on to that  magical time of year.  Hmmm but how magical is it for us stressed our parents? Despite it being affectionately known as the festive season, for many of us it’s more like the frenetic season with a massive long list of to-dos….the Christmas gift shopping for family and friends, the dinner prepping, the last minute fretting, the seemingly never ending school dates for Christmas fairs, mufti days, Nativity plays and essentially – the worry of what you have or haven’t done. It’s can be a bit less ho ho ho more argh argh argh sometimes!

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead of working ourselves up into a whirlwind of a tizzy, I’ve teamed up with Rescue Remedy – a specially blended combination of five Bach™ Original Flower Essences –  to share these tips from Neil Shah, Chief De-Stressor at The Stress Management Society on how we can take a moment and take the stress out of Christmas.

Make organisation your middle name

With so many activities to accomplish this festive period, lists can go a long way. They will help you keep a record of what needs to be done and when they need to done. Make a to-do list and check things off as you go along so that Christmas day doesn’t creep up on you. This includes jotting down important dates such as the last Christmas post to ensure your Christmas cards and presents get sent on time!

Ditch the perfection

With the above said, having a realistic expectation of how Christmas should be will help you overcome trying to make everything “perfect”. Christmas is about enjoyment and not stressing over perfection. This will inevitably add more pressure on you.

Create buffer times, times where you do things slowly and peacefully, this may be decorating the tree for example, this can be a relaxing activity and remember, making a memorable day is much more important than everything being perfect, so don’t fret over perfection, just enjoy!

Think small – not big!

Gift-buying is definitely one of the most stressful aspects of Christmas. It isn’t always easy to find quirky and interesting gift ideas to keep things different every year. But think small. Having several creative stocking stuffers over one big gift will perhaps give you a better chance of giving a present they will like or just make the gift-opening process much more entertaining.

Use the art of delegation

Christmas is all about family. Get the kids involved – they can help decorate the house and help wrap presents. Even many shops and online vendors offer wrapping services so alternatively you get a little extra help from them, taking more weight off your shoulders.

Christmas dinner applies here too. Cooking alone can leave you frazzled. You never know, getting the family involved can make everyone feel helpful and give them a sense of belonging where it can actually change a stressful experience into something fun.

Bring on the self care

Christmas may be a season to be jolly, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be tempted to indulge in nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and refined sugar products especially if you are feeling overwhelmed. Instead, keep yourself and your guests well hydrated by drinking water or even herbal teas. What a great way to keep you warm than a cup of hot tea during the month of December.

See the bigger picture….and enjoy!

Ensuring you and your loved ones enjoy the day is the most important thing.

Don’t spend the build up to Christmas or Christmas itself worrying, fretting and stressing, remember to keep calm. If you find yourself getting stressed, doing some simple breathing techniques will help you to relax.

  • Sit or stand in a relaxed position
  • Slowly inhale through your nose, counting to five
  • Let the air out from your mouth, counting to eight
  • Repeat several times!

Laugh about things that go wrong, they will make funny memories to look back on in the future.

I know all of these stresses too well, and for times when I can’t take the Christmas heat, I will most definitely be stopping to take a moment out and calling on my trusty sidekick Rescue Remedy which I know will help take the stress out of Christmas with just a couple of sprays.  Hmmm…perhaps I’ll put some in everyone’s stocking this Christmas to keep the whole family chilled!

Sending peaceful, calm vibes to you all this…and here’s to taking the stress out of Christmas!

RESCUE® is available from Boots, Holland & Barrett, independent pharmacies and health food stores, grocery stores nationwide and online at For more information, go to

Picture credit: Designed by Freepik


  1. We have really scaled back on presents this year and have made it all about giving, togetherness and kindness this Christmas. It has certainly made it a lot more enjoyable.

  2. I think having a plan is such a good idea, plus not to make everything as the media makes out you need to – rather do what is right for your family.

  3. Some really useful tips. I always find it essential to carve out a bit of time to myself over the busy period, even if it’s just an hour with my book. It’s essential for my stress levels

  4. Some really fab tips. I definitely need to delegate more and be a little bit more organised. I absolutely love Rescue Remedy, it’s definitely my trusty sidekick too. I used it for the first time during my G.C.S.E’s at school and now I use it often during times of stress. A little saviour that’s perfect to keep in your handbag. x

  5. I love this – especially the part about stopping the perfection of Christmas expectations. There is so much pressure in this Insta-perfect and Pinterest world and it just adds to the stress of shopping, decorating and getting the family together! A great post that I am sure will reassure so many! xx #coolmumclub

  6. Thank you god these tips lovely, I feel like they’ve grounded me a bit, and I needed that. I definitely need to make a list and just see how much stuff I’m ticking off. Thanks for hosting #coolmumclub

  7. Lists lists lists! All about the lists. And because this is our first Xmas in our forever (hopefully) home and we have family coming, so I have gone mad and planned stockings for everyone – in fact, once I’ve finished this comment, I’m going to go and wrap the bits I’ve got up already and make a list of what I need to get who tomorrow!! x

  8. I am already mental and utterly disorganised Christmas-wise despite being adamant that this year I’d have it all sorted! I do love a bit of rescue remedy though, this post reminded me of how useful it is when I’m super-stressed. #coolmumclub

  9. Great advice – I have been so stressed every Xmas and with a new baby this Christmas I Am trying to be somewhat organised and slightly less bothered ! Xx

  10. Really helpful advice. For me the most important thing is remembering nothing has to be perfect it’s all just about spending quality time together. With a couple of glasses of wine and a bubbly bath thrown in too of course.

  11. I always have rescue remedy in my bad, as it is always handy to have on the spot. I find it really good for my social anxiety to take of the edge. Tesco normally have a good offer with rescue remedy for 3 for 2 X #coolmumclub

  12. There are some great bits of advice here and I’m definitely starting to feel the burn! Off to enter RIGHT NOW!
    x Sending a #coolmumclub chrimbo hug your way hun

  13. I love lists – I have lists for everything! But I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that it’s about creating a memorable day rather than a perfect one #coolmumclub

  14. Yes, organisation is definitely the key. Also you are right everyone strives for the perfect Christmas and ends up piling pressure on themselves. Great post with some really useful tips x

  15. I have been a fan of the Rescue Remedies for as long as I can remember and always something in my handbag – even my teens use it nowadays. My biggest stress point is perfection so I am trying this year to be a little more laid back – my family however is not convinced I will pull it off. Great tips! #coolmumclub

  16. Love this! I already live off Bach’s remedies but this year I added exclusive online shopping to my list and ordered pretty much all the Christmas food. I love cooking and generally look forward to preparing all the Christmas meals but this year there is SO MUCH going on I had to give myself a break. All I’m left with is gift wrapping (*sighs*) which I am notoriously bad at but I may spend a little more time on it seeing as I’ve already saved myself a lot of aggro 🙂 #coolmumclub

  17. It’s so important to try to see the bigger picture in all of this Christmas organisation because really at the end of the day, nothing really matters except being with your family. Thank you for these tips to remind ourselves how to cope with it all. #coolmumclub

  18. Great tips lovely, I’m starting to get into a bit of panic but I know I need to relax! Definitely need to drop the perfection goal as it’s just never going to happen xx #coolmumclub

  19. This sounds like a great product. I always swear by lavender to chill me out, ever since I was a kid. #coolmumclub

  20. I have very recently realised that making lists is the first step in getting organised and is pretty much essential for battling overwhelm. I have struggled with everything flying round my head – especially since I’m going back to work after mat leave NEXT WEEK – not the greatest idea I’ve ever had to be honest… might have to pop out and pick up some Rescue Remedy now haha #coolmumclub

  21. This is needed from a week ago !! Two year old who thinks he Satan, two teenage daughters , a 20 year old pregnant daughter who isn’t answering phone , driving test in a few weeks , start a degree end of Jan , single mum and ready to pull my hair out !!
    Thanks for this chance and review !!

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