45+ homeschool themes for your homeschool

homeschool themes
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The other day I had a fellow mum message me asking me for some inspiration on homeschool themes. I have found setting a weekly theme has really helped to keep things fun and creative with homeschooling. Homeschooling themse also help to give some kind of structure so I’m not left thinking – my god what on earth are we going to do this week!?

Although there are now various resources becoming available online to help structure your homeschooling – things like the daily lessons from BBC Bitesize and of course Oak National Academy I prefer doing our own thing very loosely in line with the various elements of the curriculum (I don’t check lol!) but based around fun weekly themes.

With that said, I wanted to share with this list of homeschooling themes which we have put together to pick from for homeschooling during Coronavirus. This is not to say we are going to be doing all of these, but probably some! So feel free to pick and choose and use any of these for inspiration…..




Creepy crawlies






The Artic & Antartic




The weather and weather systems

The arts

Art week

Performing arts week

Design week


Music week

The media






How things are made

How things work



Lego week – pssst check out these LEGO STEM activities you can include!

45 + homeschool themes for your homeschool
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Ancient Rome

The Vikings

Ancient China

Medieval times

The Wild West

The World Wars




The human body

How people live

Helping in the community


The sense



Wonders of the world

Famous landmarks



The Olympics


Healthy food and learning to cook


101 ideas for homeschooling this week!

Okay so maybe a few of these homeschool themes caught your eye, but now no idea what you’re going to actually do that week. Well then, head over to our friends at Homeschool Guru for this awesome list of 101 ideas for homeschooling – for this or any week! Happy planning and don’t forget…OFSTED won’t be coming round to judge your homeschooling during lockdown and just a couple of hours homeschool a day is totally fine and the main thing is that the kids are happy in these times – so remember to relax and have fun 🙂

Do you have any homeschool themes to add to this list? If so, pleased leave them in a comment below.


    • We’ve been enjoying our own themes like the ones listed above and incorporating different topics

  1. Our school has been (and continues to be) absolutely amazing! So much support from our two girls fantastic teachers. It’s so hard, especially for our year 6 girl. Year 6 are missing all the fun and excitement of their final term in KS2, but all the children are amazing and taking it all in their stride. The beautiful weather has helped too.

  2. My daughter has had a lovely varied learning programme. Hopefully she’s taking it all in. Thanks for this article

  3. Luckily for me my little boy is under school age so I haven’t had to do any home schooling!

  4. We’ve been concentrating on nature and wildlife and using the back garden as a resource.

  5. I have been getting my daughter workbooks of Amazon and she has some school workbooks also

  6. My daughter’s school have been providing work which we are following but during the first week of lock down we had free rein to follow my daughter’s own interests. I think that she preferred that first week best!

  7. Little one is due to start school in September, but we have learnt numbers up to 20, she can spell her name, does the alphabet,so we are doing the basics plus arts and crafts

  8. We’ve been looking a lot at languages like Scots and Gaelic, giving them a chance to learn when there’s less timings limits. Also able to watch shows in those languages to help them learn.

  9. The teachers have been setting work every week which we have been trying to complete. This weeks theme was VE Day.

  10. Our school has decided not to set work as they are more concerned with the childrens mental health at the moment. We have however done plenty of crafts and have devised little games that encourage spelling and mathematics without them realising they are learning

  11. We’ve been concentrating on simple things, like games involving maths like yahtzee and reading books and writing little reviews so that the kids don’t lose out too much while they’re at home. I don’t really want them to be online more than they were, but we’ve been looking up a few other things to do for them offline xx

  12. We’ve been focusing a lot on baking and nature – making the most of the good weather!!

  13. Homeschooling for Daisy aged 9 has been relatively easy. Give her a topic and she runs with it and does the very best she can. She’s completed everything the school has set and has really enjoyed searching the internet for information before writing up her sumary of what she has learned.
    Homeschooling for Leo on the other hand……I think he’s got most of his learning during this time from magazines such as Ryan’s world and PJ Masks!

  14. Gardening has been great – you can incorporate lots of areas into it (science, maths, english…etc) and it’s definitely been the right weather!

  15. I have been covering some of these things!! but the list is very helpful!!! gives me more to go through!

  16. Hi I have been following what the school sends. Maths, English, Geography and Science with a bit of nature and history.

  17. My sons are older so no homeschooling but my daughter-in-law has been doing a bit of both with the grandchildren. They do have some set by the school but not a lot so she has been supplementing it with other lessons from the internet.

  18. We’ve been following what the school set then by the time that’s done we’re all ready for a break!!

  19. As well as the work that the school has been setting I have been trying to teach my foster son to tell the time on a clock. Which has meant teaching him the 5 x table. I now have multiples of 5 posted all around my house!

  20. Home schooling is….. interesting. At times it is difficult to maintain engagement. The lounge now is a display for 3 life sized outlines of the boys labelled with bones, muscles or organs

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