7 clever landscaping hacks to uplevel your garden in 2023

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A well-maintained garden is incredibly satisfying and fulfilling. It’s not easy. It requires effort, but it’s definitely worth it. It can also be pretty expensive if you don’t do a few things yourself. That’s where you have to get a little creative. To save time, effort, and money, you need to use these clever landscaping hacks for your garden.

Create a focal point

A Minneapolis landscaping company suggests that one of the best ways to make your garden stand out is by creating a focal point. This could be a statue, a water feature, a large plant or tree, or a piece of outdoor art. By placing it in a strategic location, you can draw the eye to the center of the garden and create a sense of balance and harmony.

Use plant markers

Plant markers are one of the most useful items that one can have as a gardener. These will help you identify which plant is which one because when you have multiple plants, it can get confusing, even for experts. There are a dozen ways that you can mark your plants, and you can easily make markers at home.

The most common ideas include using a clothes peg. Write on the clothes peg using a sharp item such as a cutter or a knife and clip it to the plant. Other ideas include coloured stones or using spoons or forks that will help you identify. Always incorporate colours when differentiating things.

Staking plants

A lot of perennials and vegetable plants require support when they grow up. It’s not optional, so you will have to provide some support in the form of staking to them when they grow up. Luckily for you, we have just the perfect idea.

One of our favourite landscaping hacks involves using a ladder upside down near a plant that will eventually require staking. Place the ladder at a point where the plant is going to grow between the rungs of the ladder. The rungs will provide support when the plant requires.

Invest in some steel beds or planters

Metal raised beds are a contemporary alternative to the more traditional wooden raised beds and also look fantastic as stylish planters on the patio. If you want to improve your steel beds and planters you could even consider commissioning bespoke options that work perfectly with your garden designs

Making your garden pet friendly

If you have a dog that loves digging and peeing in your garden(because what dog doesn’t!?), to avoid ending up with torn up grass with those unsightly patchy brown, consider installing astroturf in your garden. This not only prevents dogs from digging everything in your garden up, but also has the added bonus of stopping them from bringing all the garden’s mud into the house.

Plant pot gardening hacks

Pots get incredibly heavy when filled with potting soil and the plant on top. When the plant grows, there’s even more weight. Placing on a deck and moving around becomes harder. Next up on our clever landscaping hacks is to fill the pot with packing peanuts in the bottom and then fill the rest with potting soil. This will make the pots incredibly lightweight.

Create a rain garden

How to create one? Let us tell you. A rain garden is an area in your yard that makes use of the water coming from flooding or rain. It will help your plants, especially perennials and native plants. You will be helping the environment and your plants. So when it comes to clever landscaping hacks, this one is a total win-win.

Why create one? To prevent flooding and using that water for productive purposes.

Make your grass appear greener

You lawn is an important part of your landscaping. To keep it looking in tip top condition it’s important to feed it regularly, keep on top of weeds and banish that moss by googling how to get rid of moss in lawn where you will find plenty of expert advice on the internet.

Use mulch

Mulch is a great way to add texture, color, and nutrients to your garden. It also helps to retain moisture and suppress weeds. You can use a variety of materials for mulch, such as wood chips, straw, leaves, or compost.

Create pathways

By adding pathways to your garden, you can create a sense of movement and guide visitors through the space. You can use a variety of materials for pathways, such as stone, gravel, or bricks. Be sure to leave enough space for plants to grow around the edges.

Add lighting

Outdoor lighting can add a beautiful ambiance to your garden, while also providing safety and security. You can use solar-powered lights, string lights, or even install a low-voltage lighting system for a more permanent solution.

Incorporate edibles

You can incorporate edible plants, such as herbs or vegetables, into your garden for both beauty and function. Not only do they add color and texture, but they also provide a source of fresh, healthy produce.


With these amazingly clever landscaping hacks for your garden, you can have a lot of fun while taking your garden to the next level. It will not only be fun, but it will also save you time, money, and effort while also helping the environment around you. Looking for more landscaping ideas for your garden? Read this.

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