How to ease back into exercise after pregnancy

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Have you recently had a baby? If so, congratulations! Amidst the hustle and bustles of caring for a new addition to the family, often times, one of the main worry of new mothers everywhere is the prospects of achieving their post baby body.

If you are looking to get right back into your old fitness regimen, then this is the article for you. Below we will have a look at some top advice given to us by gym equipment specialists on how one can ease back into their workout regimen after pregnancy, so read on to find out more.

Slow and Steady Wins The Race

Always remember that your body has recently gone through some immense changes, and that things are going to take a while to return to normal. This is why getting back into your fitness routine slowly is highly advised. For those who have given birth via a C-Section, this is even more important.

Your body needs time to heal! In your first few weeks of recovery, start off with walks, light exercises and light weight lifting. This way, you can still achieve a sweat without putting your body through too much strenuous activities.

Strengthen The Pelvic Floor

Postpartum, it is not uncommon for a woman’s pelvic floor muscles to be weak. This is why putting too much intra-abdominal pressure on the pelvic floor is frowned upon. This can inhibit it from healing or even get as serious as causing organ prolapse.

One of the best forms of exercise you can start to incorporate into your daily routine can be kegel exercises,  restrengthening or even exercises that can assist you in re-familiarising yourself with your pelvic floor muscles.

Have Fun With Baby

Getting in shape doesn’t always mean having to spend hours and hours at the gym. In fact, there are ways in which you can even have fun with your new baby!

Why not go for a long walk with baby in the stroller? Walking is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise and also doubles up as a mood lifter as it gets you out there, breathing fresh and crisp air. There are also a myriad of toning exercises that you can do, all whilst incorporating baby!

Hydration Is Extremely Important

Whilst we all know that keeping hydrated on a regular basis, even moreso when exercising is key, did you know that it is truly vital especially when a new mother is breastfeeding? If you are out for a stroll with your baby, always remember to put your water bottle in the cup holder as a reminder to drink often.

 Work Those Guns

One of the safest areas of your body you can focus on post-partum are your arm muscles. Babies get pretty heavy, very quickly. This is why you will want to work your arm muscles up to ensure that you can keep up with your baby’s increasing weight. Push-ups are a great way to strengthen and tone, plus you can do this postpartum exercise anywhere.

Always Remember To Rest

Like any other exercise routine, it is important to know when to stop, rest and let your body heal. The last thing you want to do is injure yourself or not be taking 100% care of yourself when you have a new baby to raise.

Including just a few moments to simply relax post-workout can really help replenish you. Taking a few days off your workout routine is also key. If you are feeling rested and restored, you will have so much more to offer to those who needs you!


We hope that these top tips on how to ease back into your workout regimen after pregnancy have helped you in your journey towards health and happiness. Always remember, it’s about the journey, not the destination. Take care of your body and it will take care of you in return.


  1. Oh, yes! Hydration is extremely important – I know based on my own experience. I remember I never drank much water, but once I finally started do so(3-4litres/day) I feel so much better ^^ So I recommend it to not only pregnant girls, but to everyone – hydration is extremely important 🙂

  2. I’m finding the post baby weight really difficult to shift this time round, I gained so much more weight than with my previous pregnancies and I am totally exhausted so not getting much exercise at the moment.

  3. I must admit I have never exercided as such – just walked to keep fit so really I never stopped doing this pre and post baby!

  4. Thank you for post on How to Ease Back Into Exercise After Pregnancy. Its so true ‘slow and steady’ and definitely ‘its about the journey, not the destination’. Many moms forget the enormous change their body just went through and it may take some time to ‘snap back’ into pre-pregnant body. Patience with oneself is very important.

    What was your favorite exercise to ease back into?

  5. I find yoga fantastic ! I do it at home along to videos and it’s so relaxing. Gentle too so perfect after giving birth. Fab giveaway would love to be your lucky winner

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