How to get people to watch your YouTube videos

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Public visibility on social media platforms is a double-edged sword. While these sites offer users the opportunity to share personal content with a wide audience, they also expose it to an equally expansive network of potential viewers who may or may not be interested in viewing that content. Getting more views on Youtube is essential for any video creator. However, with so many different types of videos being created and uploaded every day, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and attract an audience that’s eager to watch your content. This article covers everything you need to know about getting people to watch your YouTube videos.

Create Great Content

The most important thing you can do to get more views on Youtube is create engaging and high-quality content. If you’re struggling to build a following, it might be because your videos are lackluster. In other words, if you don’t give people a reason to watch your videos, they’re unlikely to click on the play button.

When creating video content, make sure to adhere to a few general best practices:

Make it relevant to your target audience

If you’re creating educational content, make sure it’s relevant to your target audience. For example, if you’re creating a video about how to create a blog, don’t make it for people interested in learning about marketing. For example, if you are in the field of real estate marketing, maybe you could create some content involving some sweeping drone shots of properties in a desireable location, then showcasing the best real estate lawyer near me.

Use eye-catching imagery

Video is a visual medium, so make sure your visuals are interesting, engaging, and relevant. You could even experiment with using a dji mavic mini 3 drone to capture some really excellent content.

Use high-quality audio

Remember that most people consume video content on earphones, so make sure your audio is clear and doesn’t interfere with the audio in the video.

Use Influencer Marketing

If you’re not familiar with influencer marketing, it’s a strategy that involves partnering with popular social media users to promote your own brand or business. It can be helpful for increasing your video views on Youtube in a few ways. First, it gives you an opportunity to get your content in front of a wider audience because these social influencers have a large network of followers. Second, it gives you the opportunity to work with and partner with some of the most popular figures in your industry. This could create a lot of buzz around your content and your business, which could lead to increased views on your videos. When looking for social media influencers to partner with for your video marketing campaign, make sure you choose someone who’s a good fit for your brand. This way, you can be sure that their followers will be interested in watching your video. To find social media influencers, you can use a tool like BuzzSumo, which lets you search for keywords and see which social media users are getting the most engagement.

Optimize Your Video’s Title and Description

Your video’s title and description play an important role in helping people decide whether they want to click on your video and watch it. To increase your video views on Youtube, make sure you optimize both elements of your video’s metadata. Your title should be descriptive and eye-catching, while your description should be informative and enticing. Try your best to keep your description short, sweet and to the point. Most people don’t want to read a long, drawn-out description about your video, so keep it short and sweet and to the point. You have about 90 characters to work with for your video title, so make sure you choose your words carefully. For your description, you have about 600 characters, so be as descriptive as possible without writing a novel.

Add tags

When you’re optimizing your video’s metadata, it’s important to add relevant keywords, also known as tags, to your video. These act as signifiers that tell search engines, as well as people browsing the video platform, what your video is about. Make sure you choose relevant keywords that people may be searching for when seeking out your video. A good rule of thumb is to select about five keywords or terms that describes your video. It’s OK if some of those keywords aren’t exactly relevant. In fact, it’s better if you add a few extra keywords that aren’t as central to your video than if you don’t add any keywords at all.

Choose the Right Video Type

There are a variety of different video categories on Youtube, ranging from How-to videos to 360-degree videos. Make sure you choose the right category for your video — if you’re not sure which one to use, you can always ask your video editor for a recommendation. The category that you select for your video will affect how many views you get on the platform. In fact, it’s the single most important thing you can do to ensure that your video gets more views on Youtube. The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a category for your video is making sure it’s relevant. Don’t just pick a category for the sake of picking a category. Make sure it’s relevant to your video, or you risk getting fewer views on your channel.

Produce Premium Content for Promotion

If you’re struggling to get views on your channel, it might be because you aren’t promoting your videos or promoting them effectively. You can promote your videos on a wide variety of social media platforms, as well as on your website. However, it’s important to promote your videos in a way that doesn’t seem spammy or desperate. If you really want to get more views on Youtube, you should consider producing premium content. What do we mean by that? Well, you can repurpose one of your older videos and turn it into a premium video. If you repurpose an old video, add new, value-added content to it, and make it exclusive, you can charge people to watch it. That way, you can promote the video across your various social media channels, and you can also make money from it. Alternatively, you can produce a brand-new video and charge for it.

Build SEO Backlinks to Your YouTube Videos

Just like any web content, you can use link building to help improve the visibility of your videos. If you’re using playlists or even your channel URL, you can use SEO to build backlinks to those to those URLs which will benefit your YouTube ranking and visibility. Find out more about using link building to boost your YouTube ranking from


Getting more views on your Youtube channel is essential for building an audience. To do so, you need to create high-quality content, optimize your video’s metadata, and promote your videos across a variety of different social media platforms. It’s also important to choose the right video category, produce premium content, and repurpose old videos.

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