International Day of The Girl: 13 rules to teach your daughters

International Day of The Girl
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Today is International Day of The Girl, and I’ve been reflecting a lot on how different it is to be a girl today, from when I was a girl myself. From where I stand, although being a girl today comes with so many more opportunities, it is also a much more complex, fast-paced, turbulent and challenging world. So what are the rules to teach when raising daughters to leave them best equipped for both now and what lies ahead? Sp in honour of International Day of The Girl, here I share my rules to teach your daughter, based on what I’ve been teaching my own.

International Day of The Girl: 13 rules to teach your daughters

1. You are unique

There is only one you, so stay in your lane and do what feels right for you, not anybody else. Embrace your imperfections and quirks every step of the way. Don’t follow the crowd because it’s good to be different. Be proud of that and who you are every step of the way.

2. Look for the good everywhere

There is plenty of negativity around. Learn to filter it out, and surround yourself with good people, things, and intentions. Think about what good you can do and develop a positive mental attitude. Don’t let the negativity bring you down.

3. You are a beautiful human being

By this I don’t mean physical beauty, I mean beautiful on the inside, their very essence, their spirit, and personality.

4. You can do anything if you persevere

In my experience, life is 99% effort + confidence. You don’t have to be exceptionally talented to achieve something. Most of this comes down to grit, self-belief, and drive. Ignore the naysayers – they usually have no idea what they are talking about and are informed by their own self-limiting beliefs.

5. You complete you

You don’t need another person to complete you – whether that be a man, a woman, a best friend etc. You are your own person and you don’t need anyone else to fulfill your ambitions in life. Believe in yourself first and foremost. You are your own best cheerleader.

6. Love your body

It’s amazing – and you only have one of them. Your body is your vessel in this life. It is worthy of love and respect.

7. You are in charge of yourself

If something doesn’t feel good or feel right, say so and say it firmly. It’s ok to say no at any time and to ANYTHING that makes you feel uncomfortable. You are not obliged to do anything for or with anyone or deal with anything you don’t want to. Trust your instincts at all times as they are incredibly powerful.

8. Always have backup

Always go somewhere with a buddy or group. There is safety in numbers. Always have a plan of how you will stay safe and communicate what your plans are with those who need to know.

9. Talk about it

If you are feeling hurt, angry, sad, frustrated or feeling any other big emotion, talk to someone you trust. Everything always feels so much better when you get it out of your head and verbalise it so someone in your support network.

10. Don’t just do it because your friends do

Always think about the consequences and risks of doing something. Don’t just blindly do it because your friends do it. Think about whether it will hurt or hinder you or someone else.

11. Manners and kindness go a long way

You are never too old or too cool to say please and thank you. You are never too busy to squeeze in a small act of kindness. And yes, karma does exist. What goes around comes around.

12. Always ask for help

Never be afraid to ask for help – in private or in public. Humans have a deeply rooted instinct for compassion, and you will always find people quick to help whatever the scenario – all you have to do is ask. If you need help, say something.

13. Be careful who you let into your inner circle

Always think – how do they make me feel? Do they make me feel good, or bad? Don’t be slow to put some distance between yourself and that person if it’s the latter.

What would you add to this list of things to teach our daughters this International Day of The Girl? Let us know in a comment below.


  1. These are all good rules to teach daughters. But even as an adult they’re good things to say and tell yourself x

  2. These are such important tips to teach your daughter. I am going to share this with some of my friends who have daughters since I know they’d find this helpful.

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