5 life lessons nature can teach children

Nature is an amazing thing which sometimes as adults – quite frankly – we take massively for granted. One of the things I’m so thankful for in motherhood is that my daughter has helped me slow down and see the everyday wonder that is nature for all the wow-factor it really is. It’s no surprise that children are so fascinated by nature – after all there are so many life lessons nature can teach children because nature is not only the greatest playground but also the most amazing classroom too.

Whether they’re lying on the grass looking up at clouds, marvelling at ants busying away or listening to the pure joy that is bird song, the sights, scents, sounds, and textures of nature provide so many opportunities for discovery.

We have teamed up with the fantastic National Geographic Kids to tell you about their great new FREE resource – the Home is Good hub.  Available on the National Geographic Kids website, the free online portal is packed full of exciting activities for families and is perfect for lockdown and beyond and offers children the opportunity to explore the world around them from the comfort of their own home.

Activities include daily craft challenges, inspiring environment challenges, quizzes, games, cool videos and the chance to discover more about animals. The Home is Good hub has been designed to stimulate curiosity and provide immersive experiences that make any kid feel like an explorer whether they are inside or outside.

5 life lessons nature can teach children

Nature teaches there is a right time for everything

The changing of the seasons, the first sight of snowdrops,  the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, the migration of birds after summer –  the amazingly  balanced, cyclical nature of life teaches children there is a right time for everything and because nature achieves everything without hurrying, playing witness to this helps children develop their own capacity for patience – a really valuable life lesson in this this fast-paced, on-demand modern world we live in!

There is beauty and potential in everything

Nature teaches children to slow down and look for the beauty in details, whether it’s marvelling at how many swirls there are on a snail shell, looking at the intricate pattern of a flying ants wings, or oooohing and ahhhhhing over the different shapes of the leaves on the ground. It also teaches that there is always beauty to be found everywhere in this world, so long as you slow down, open your eyes, and look for it.

Life doesn’t need to be so materialistic

Sometimes I feel like we’re all worshipping at the alter at consumerism….but thankfully nature really does teach children that the best things in life are free. When they’re in nature, they really have the best seat in the house for the most coveted show in the world – the animals and insects going about their daily life, the sun sets and the stars, the water and the sun. Nature teaches that you don’t need to have money for everything in this world, and in turn some amazing things just can not be bought with money.

The bad times don’t last

The weather might be absolutely horrific – there might be cracking thunder storms, or fogs you can’t see in, or penetrating winds, but these always pass on, and watching and feeling this as a child teaches them that sure – bad things and times happen, but they always blow over.

Communication is key

The ability to communicate effectively with others is so important to the lives of all creatures. Whether it’s earthworms communicating through touch and taste, or squirrels warning each other about nearby predators, nature teaches that communication is essential for the survival of all living beings.



  1. I teach science and biology and I am always looking for ways to engage my daughters in my interests. This would be fantastic.

  2. Daisy loves exploring nature. She has a magnifying glass and is always looking at plants and trying to see where the seed heads are. Recently she has been collecting the seed heads from flowers that have reached the end of their blooming period and she’s storing them all in envelopes in the hope that she can grow new flowers next year.

  3. My grandchildren are always wanting to help in the garden and are always asking questions about the plants and wildlife

  4. My son loves anything to do with creepy crawlies so he would adore this. Thanks for the chance to be your lucky winner

  5. Nature and spending time in the countryside gives us all an appreciation of how we should lower our carbon footprint and live an environmentally friendly life as far as possible xx

  6. My son loves spending time outdoors – his school work was getting him down today so we just went on a walk , taking pictures of flowers

  7. My daughters both always loved the outdoors and making their own adventures. They find science exciting too.

  8. we are lucky we live near a nature reserve and we get to go to orlando a few times a year so we hit up the big theme parks

  9. My daughter loves to learn about different animals in nature, it’s nice when she learns new things as shows her how all animals are different. So is a good life lesson too.

  10. The bad times don’t last – this is very good, especially during this time of our lives. I also love that we can learn so much from nature!

  11. Enjoying nature with my children teaches us to take time away from modern distractions, and to enjoy the simple things and the vitality that nature brings.

  12. The kids and I have gone for so many lovely nature walks the last few months. It always makes us feel alive yet calmer!

  13. My daughter used to love nature then got stung on the face by a bee and had an allergic reaction. Now she is terrified of the outdoors and all creepy crawlies! I’m SO keen to rekindle that appreciation and curiosity!

  14. We have been on so many more walks and because we have more time we stop and listen to the birds, watch the fish in the river and look out for unusual plants and trees. We have improved our patients and tollerance or each other when we have to wait or someone takes longer to catch up. I say its more like the animal kingdom, where there are no clocks in an animals life just light dark and seasons. Eat when hungary sleep when tired. Keep it simple is our motto lately. x

  15. We love being outside in nature, we have been planting a lot of vegetables, herbs and sunflowers in lockdown and my children love to see them grow

  16. Nature teaches so much about communities, and how everything coexists. My little boy finds it fascinating!

  17. Nature teaches us that everything is inter connected, and that everything natural should be treated with respect

  18. We love exploring and learning more about the world and the life around us. Its amazing to learn about how things contribute to the planet.

  19. I love that it teaches them to stop and really look at the beauty and detail of things that we may normally not even notice.

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