Try out the best 9 formula feeding tips & tricks for easier baby feeding

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Formula feeding may hardly be easy for you if you have just entered into parenthood. It doesn’t only require you to maintain baby feeding guidelines but also be careful about the quality of baby formula you buy.

You need to ensure that your baby is receiving the right amount of food filled with all the essential nutrients. While maintaining these criteria might seem daunting at first, some formula-feeding hacks can make things easier for you.

This article has brought together some of the best formula feeding tips and tricks that will help you be a pro in no time.

1. Evaluate the Store-Bought Formula

We’ve all been there—standing in the baby aisle at the store, looking at the endless options for formula and wondering which one could be the happy baby formula for our little one. But with so many options, it becomes hard to settle on one.

So what is the best way to evaluate the store-bought formulas for baby feeding? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

The first thing you should do is to check the labels. Look for formulas that are made with organic ingredients and are free of artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. 

Consider your baby’s needs too. For example, if your baby has a sensitive tummy, you might want to choose a hypoallergenic formula. Or if your baby is struggling to gain weight, you might opt for a higher-calorie formula.

Another best way is to talk to your pediatrician. They can help you choose a formula that’s right for your baby based on their individual needs.

2. Get the Best Bottle for Your Baby

While having the best quality formula is essential for your baby, serving the formula in a safe-grade bottle is equally important. After all, they will be using it a lot, and if the bottle is tainted, they could contract a serious illness.

So what makes a good baby bottle? A good bottle should be made of safe materials. BPA-free plastic is always a good choice, or you could opt for glass or stainless steel.

You should also look for some extra safe-graded nipples that are comfortable and easy to clean. The most important thing is to make sure they are free of harmful chemicals.

3. Warm up the Bottles

Babies who are used to breastfeeding or other feeding alternatives don’t usually like the idea of bottle feeding. But if you can warm up the bottle and give them a taste of it, they will gradually start to feel comfortable.

Heating up the bottle destroys all the germs or bacteria in the formula, ensuring that your baby gets the proper nutrition he needs. That is why it is considered one of the most helpful formula feeding tips and tricks in baby feeding. 

But be mindful of the technique you follow to warm up the bottle. It is highly recommended not to use the microwave for heating baby milk as it can create “hot spots” in it. Instead, you may use a bottle warmer, a much safer option than a microwave. 

4. Position Your Child at a Comfortable Angle

When feeding your baby, it’s essential to position them at a comfortable angle. You want them to be able to eat without strain or any potential choking hazards. Here’s how to find the perfect position for your baby:

First, prop up your baby’s head and back with a pillow. You can also use a nursing pillow if you have one. It will help them sit up straighter and make it easier for them to eat.

Next, hold your baby close to you. You may need to adjust your own position so that they’re comfortable and can eat without difficulty.

While using a bottle, hold it at an angle where the milk flows slowly into your baby’s mouth. You don’t want them to gulp down too much air along with the milk.

5. Take Burp Breaks

It’s essential to give your baby a burp break during feeding time. Babies tend to swallow a lot of air when eating, which can lead to gas or discomfort. Burping your baby during and after feedings can help relieve that discomfort.

Here are a few signs that it may be time to take a burp break:

  • Your baby is starting to squirm
  • He is starting to fuss or cry
  • He is frequently pulling away from the bottle

Take a break from feeding and burp your baby if you notice these signs.

6. Keep Fresh Water in Reach

The importance of water in baby feeding cannot be overstated. Babies need fresh water to stay hydrated and help their bodies absorb the nutrients in their food formula. Additionally, it helps flush toxins out of their body, which is vital for their overall health growth.

But how do you ensure that you’re giving your child the best water? There are several ways to confirm it, for example, boiling or filtering.

Remember, tap water is not recommended for baby feeding because it may contain high levels of minerals that will interfere with your baby’s absorption of nutrients. So try to use filtered water that ensures your baby has access to fresh, clean water at all times.

7. Avoid Fast Pacing the Feeding Process

Your baby’s digestive system is still developing and needs time to process their food correctly. So avoid rushing through the feeding. It can lead them to face indigestion, gas, aspiration, or other severe troubles.

A good rule of thumb is to go at a comfortable pace for the baby. If the baby seems to be struggling, slow down and let your little one enjoy their meal.

8. Stick with One Baby Formula

When using selective infant formula for your baby, try to stick with one brand and do not try to change it overnight. Doing so can cause digestive issues and discomfort for your little one.

It’s best to consult with your pediatrician before making any changes to your baby’s formula. They can help you choose the right formula for your baby’s needs and ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

9. Know Your Baby’s Formula Taste

Knowing your baby’s formula taste preferences is essential before buying a large can or box of a particular brand. If you’re unsure what your baby will like, start with a small container or sample size. You can quickly switch to another product if your baby doesn’t like the taste.

There are many different brands and types of baby formula on the market, so it’s crucial to find one that your baby enjoys. Talk to your pediatrician or other parents for recommendations, then do some trial and error to find the perfect formula for your little one.


It’s essential to start introducing solid foods around four months, but breast milk or formula should still be the primary source of nutrition up until at least 12 months.

Being a new parent, while formula-feeding your baby, you might constantly struggle to get everything right. But did you know it takes only a few formula-feeding tips and tricks to solve these struggles?

One vital tip is to have everything within your arm’s reach before starting baby feeding. This includes your baby formula, a clean bottle, fresh water, and a burp cloth.

Other than that, there are some other formula-feeding hacks we have mentioned above; you may try them out too to make the process easier. 

Photo by Sarah Chai


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