Unique ways to capture happy family memories

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We all loving capturing family memories to look back on in years to come. There are all the expected ways to capture family memories, of course.
You can get snappy with your camera, and add family photos to your walls with custom picture frames. You can take videos too and upload them onto the cloud for future posterity. These are both good ideas and are a great way to capture the memories you can make with your children.

But there are other ways to capture those happy family memories, and below we have listed just a few of the unique and creative methods you might want to consider.

Add to a family journal

With a journal to hand, you could make a note of the funny and memorable things your children say. As you know, they do come out with the craziest statements sometimes, so it would be a shame to let them slip away from your memory. You could also write about the emotions you feel at given moments, as these are things that are hard to recollect when looking at a photo. And you could record anything else you want to look back on, as the words and feelings you write down will never be forgotten if you do.

Make an annual family scrapbook

Admittedly, you are going to have a lot of scrapbooks if you make one a year, but charting the progress of your family can be a lot of fun, so the idea is still a good one. There are all kinds of things you can put into your scrapbook, including holiday postcards, photographs, your children’s artwork, elements from school projects, and end of year report cards. Of course, you can always replicate similar online. Using services akin to Blurb, you can easily upload your family photos, and these could include scans and photos of the other items you might usually include in a paper scrapbook.

Create a memory quilt

Your children quickly outgrow their clothes. It’s a fact, and while you could sell or donate them to others, you could be a little more creative. For those memorable outfits that you want to stick in your mind – a tuxedo your son wore at a wedding, a dress your daughter wore at her birthday party, your child’s very first onesie – craft them into a quilt. You could add to it whenever another item of clothing had become outgrown, so your quilt could become something that charted every significant moment that took place in your child’s life. Check out this YouTube video for a how-to guide. 

Create a keepsake box

You could buy a keepsake box online if you wanted to, but if you have any spare boxes at home, you could also design your own. The box is for all of the items that will one day bring back happy family memories, such as your children’s favourite toys, books, artwork, and birthday cards. You can probably think of other items to include, so make your own list, and take inspiration from these examples if you need to. 

These are just a few ideas, but be creative, and look for other ways to preserve your happy family memories! If you have any other ideas why not leave them in the comments section below?

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