10 reasons mums are the best: 2023 update

mums are the best
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With Mother’s Day coming up, I wanted to dedicate this post to all mums out there, and some of the reasons we should take this special day to celebrate why mums are so incredible. Whether taking some time out to reflect on what an amazing mum you are or paying tribute to the special lady in your life, here are 10 reasons mums are the best and will always be the stars in our skies.

10 reasons mums are the best

You wouldn’t be here without one

There’s no playing this one down. Quite simply – mums are the best because you would not be on this planet without one. Mums gave you life, gave me life, and you gave your children life. What could be more powerful than that?!

Mums have seen it all

They seen you crap your pants, cry snotting tears, caught your sick in their hands, seen you in the most hideous of rages, flocking the nest, making mind-boggling diabolical romantic mistakes and then having to pick up the pieces thereafter. Is there anything a mum hasn’t seen? Probably not! And then the cycle continues all over again….

Mums sacrifice it all for you

The once young and toned bodies, their former sharp minds, their careers, their sanity, their friendships, their sense of self. A mum puts everything on the line for you time and time over, just like you have done for your very own children.

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She is always thinking of what is best for you

Although sometimes it can be hard to comprehend and can leave you huffing and puffing indignantly or exasperation, a mum always (and sometimes annoyingly!) has your best interests at heart. No matter what struggles of her own she is having to suck up.

There is no loyalty like a mum’s loyalty

Hear her roar! Mums are the best because they would walk across miles of raging hot coals if they had to for you. OK maybe that’s a bit extreme but you get the drift – a mum’s loyalty could defeat an army of warriors. The bottom line is – they stick with us through thick and thin, come hell or high water. If there’s one person you know you can always depend on – it’s mum.

They have superpowers

This has happened to me between my own mum and I, and my own daughter and I to refute – mums can read your mind, and therefore superpowers!

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They are eternal feeders

Have you ever gone hungry in the presence of your mum? No, I didn’t think so! Mums would rather eat their own excrement than see someone go hungry, and are skilled at magically conjuring up something from nothing to make sure bellies are full and happy!

You can call them at any time

How many people could you call before breakfast or at an ungodly time in the middle of the night? If you’re lucky you may be able to count them on one hand, but if there’s one thing that’s for certain, your mum is definitely one of them (god help the teenage years ahead of me!).

They are multi tasking extraordinares

Ever seen someone who can do their emails, while cooking dinner, overseeing homework and crossing things off their to-do list? There is only one type of person that can fall into that category of multitasker extraordinaire – a mum!

Their love is endless and unconditional

Have you ever been dumped by a mum? No, I thought not. Plus, a mum doesn’t need a diamond ring from AC Silver to win over her heart. Though I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if she got presented with this baby!

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So many reasons to think that mums are the best, and these are just for starters! What else would you add to this list?

Picture credit: People photo created by bristekjegor – www.freepik.com


  1. I think mums are best because they love you unconditionally and they always have weird little stories of their youth!

  2. Aww a mothers love is unconditional. My mom is the best as we both spend most our time on the phone and in person laughing! We can laugh over the most sillyiest of things and she is always there for me when i need her,

  3. Mums are so important but remember not everybody has/had a mum who loved them unconditionally. I worship my children and would walk to the ends of the earth for them, but not everyone is so lucky.

  4. My mum died when she was relatively young. However this has showed me the strength in mums, especially in supporting other mums. There are so many ‘mum groups’ to help and support each other.

  5. It’s simple – without Mums there would be no children, and without children there would be no future! So Mums hold the future in their hands.
    Jane Willis

  6. I’m not sure I need to add anything to the list – it’s a fantastic summary (superpowers covers most of it!)

    Mums are just amazing

    • that’s should’ve been – Mums are the best as they are just amazing. Not sure where the middle of my sentence went

  7. My Mum died many years ago, was so lucky to end up with the best MiL – only hope I can be half as good as her

  8. Mothers are the only people there are who’d give their life to keep you safe. I would for my little one. A bit extreme, but a mum does what she has to do, you can see it in the animal kingdom x

  9. Mum’s are the best because we never give up. Even on our darkest days we still get up and get on with caring for our babies.

  10. What a truly lovely and inspiring article you have written here! I always say that being a Mum is the best job in the world but my goodness its also the hardest job in the world!

  11. Unfortunately some mums are not the best. One of the reasons I hate Mothers’ Day is because it reminds me of my mother. I was removed from her “care” when I was 10 and never saw her again as she was under a court order forbidding further contact. 50+ years later, I still suffer the after-effects of her abuse. It never entirely leaves you, and unpleasant memories can be triggered by all sorts of things: a news article, something on TV, or events such as Mothers’ Day.

    This year, I was glad to see that many companies sent emails asking if people did not want to receive marketing emails about Mothers’ Day. Although this was no doubt prompted by the realisation that many people were mourning the loss of a much-loved mother to Covid, it was also welcomed by people like me who would rather not be reminded of their mother.

  12. Mothers have unconditional love for their children and will fight like a tiger to protect them from any potential harm.

  13. No matter what your age you always turn to your mom.It could be for her advise,Or just be there when you need a shoulder to cry on.( just like we did when we were kiddies mom came running with the magic cream & a plaster ) Who would we not think twice about leaving our kiddies with whilst going out or to work,Our Moms. There is a special bond with mom’s that never leave you. And who can multi-task like a Mom? No one!

  14. A mum loves you from the bottom of her heart and it’s unconditional. She’s always there to wipe your tears and let the sunshine back into your life.

  15. Mums do most jobs, thinking ahead and organise the family diary. Sometimes it’s a thankless task but we keep going in the hope of recognition

  16. Unconditional love and support. Mums never stop being mothers. None of us would be here without our mums, they are amazing women, every one.

  17. Mums are special, like a separate living being to all others! It’s as though they have super powers! They are strong, determined, hard working & loving.

  18. Because they are always there for their children, put them first before themselves and would personally lay down my life for mine

  19. Being a Mum is both the best and hardest job in the world. I am very lucky to have had a tough and resilient Mum who always put her children first. I tried hard to follow her example but working full-time teaching, which also involved long hours at evening and weekends planning and marking, I’m afraid my children missed out somewhat. However it is great to see then being good parents themselves and bringing our grandchildren up to the same rules they had! I just feel for those at this time who do / did not have such a positive relationship with their Mums

  20. Mum’s are best because they can calm you when you are scared, make you happy when you are sad, love you forever even if you treat her bad.

  21. Mums are amazing because they always just get on with it and never give up no matter how hard things get

  22. I love my Mum very much, she has always been there for me. They give such a different love I think, totally selfless, I try to do they same for my Daughter.

  23. Mums are amazing! I lost my mum 4 years ago. So I strive to spend as much time as possible making memories with my kids. Mums are always there to create the best memories with.

  24. You’ve said it all! Mums are unique and irreplacable. No-one will ever love you the way your mother does. Cherish them while they’re still here and you’re able to.

  25. This article was very hard to read as my mum abandoned me and left me homeless but I hope my kids will think of me that way one day

  26. Mums are the best because they are the lynch pin of every family keeping everyone together, being mediators, the best cuddlers and showering everyone with love

  27. Thy are the best because no matter how old you are, whether you have babies of your own or wherever you may be in the world … YOU will always be their priority and they would do anything for you xx

  28. I know my mum went through hardship as we grew up, she gave us food at the expense of her own, and has always been a rock, and for that, I’ll always be grateful xx

  29. My mum has always had the ability to take a really bad situation and make it OK. She shows the positive in everything

  30. Mums really are the best! They are always there when you need them, strong, reliable, a shoulder to cry on and always have the best advice ♥️

  31. Mum’s are wonderful because they instil codes that we will remember for life. Everyday I think about things my Mum used to say to me and my own children frequently quote things back to me that I’ve said to them.

  32. its amazing how strong mums are , I just wish sometime that our adult kids would understand a little more , with how much of our strength we have to hide also

  33. Mums are the best because we can spin many many plates altogether. Giving their kiddiwinks roots and wings so they can live in the moment and be who the want to be is the most amazing gift!

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