7 ways meditation changed my life (and could change yours too!)

meditation changed my life
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I’ve been meditating now for a few years thanks to being introduced to it by the lovely Simon Hoten at Yoga 360 and during that time meditation has become a non-negotiable daily part of my life. There have been so many incredible ways in which meditation changed my life as a mum trying to have it all, and so today I wanted to share just how powerful it has been for me. And how it could be for you too. So without further ado, here are seven ways meditation changed my life for the better, and could change yours too.

Staying calm/non-reactionary

Before I brought a meditation practice into my life, I would fly off the handle at the smallest thing – reaction, or should I say overreaction – might as well have been my middle name!

But since I’ve been meditating, I find that my mind has learnt to create space between something happening, and then my response to that thing. Although I still have my moments (hey! I’m only human), this means that overall I’m a lot calmer about things that once would have had me sweating bullets over. So I’m no longer to be found flapping in a crisis or in the face of bad news. Hurrah!

More confident

Meditation changed my life because it’s really helped me make peace with myself and the things I may have done or not have done, and that has overall made me feel so much more confident.

Confident about who I am, confident about how I feel, confident in my parenting, and confident about my life and work choices….even when they may not feel so great at the time! Meditation is truly amazing at confidence building as it helps to switch your brain off and put a stop to the negative self-talk.

I remember the first time I went on TV – I should have been a nervous wreck. Instead, I sat on the side of the studio, meditating. And this made me totally unflappable. The point is that you can do pretty much anything with the power of meditation behind you.

Better parenting

In the early days of parenting, a stressed-out mum with a toddler that was driving me round the bend, my gosh how I wish I had started my meditation journey before that! Quite simply, it would have helped no end. I look back and balk at just how impatient I was.

One of the most beautiful ways meditation changed my life is that it has brought me…finally!….patience. This one’s a biggie! Meditation has helped me improve my tolerance and patience for other people which – translated over to parenting – and that’s absolutely golden.

Because we all need infinite amounts of patience as parents, and if you’re not born naturally patient (like me!), the challenge of parenting can seem even greater. Thankfully, meditation came along, taught me how to be patient, and made me a better parent.

meditation changed my life
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Improved sleep

It’s no secret that I have struggled with sleep for years. The nights when I lay tossing and turning trying to get to sleep for hours are now very rare thanks to meditation. I meditate every single night before I turn my lights out. Just ten minutes for bed.

After meditating, I usually fall asleep before thirty minutes or so because my brain is just super chilled and ready for sleep. This is probably one of the most valuable ways meditation changed my life because I was feeling very desperate about the sleep situation!

Less anxious

Although I wouldn’t say I suffer from clinical anxiety, I have in the past had times when I’ve felt very stressed and anxious about things. Meditation has been an amazing tool for keeping those anxious feelings in check – especially when life throws you those curve balls or when you’re just feeling so overwhelmed by everything.

Less angry

There was a time during the early years of motherhood that I just felt so angry all the time! Overwhelmingly so. It was horrid. I think it was probably a culmination of a lot of things – baggage from childhood, identity crisis, fluctuating hormones, stress….the list could go on. But with meditation, I’ve been able to master my emotions and thank goodness for that because feeling angry is totally exhausting!

meditation changed my life
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I get this amazing feeling when I meditate – it’s almost like euphoria. I just love it. It’s the most wonderful feeling. I really do feel that meditation has rewired my brain for the better. I just feel so much more joyful. And it’s not just my imagination because the science backs this up too. Read on for an explanation of why that is here.

Now your turn

Would you like to meditate but don’t know where to start? I’ve teamed up with our resident Mum Coach Kim Raine Coaching to develop a three-part video series to introduce you to the benefits of meditating, how to get started with meditating, then finishing up with a simple 3 meditation video that you can use over and over again. Visit my Youtube Channel here to watch them.

I’d love to hear whether you already meditate, or if you’re thinking about trying then I hope the above inspires and supports you to do so.

7 ways mediation changed my life #mindfulness #mindset
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Happy meditating everybody!

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  1. Love this! I got into meditation 8 years ago and its been a huge staple in my life everyday since! I can’t believe how much I’ve changed since I started doing it daily! I feel so much more calm especially when life gets crazy and I’m able to take a step back and breathe before reacting to stressors!

  2. This is something I need to work on and improve. I believe meditation can have a tremendous effect on our overall mental health. Thank you for sharing these tips and videos with us!

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