7 ways to save money on children’s clothes

save money on children's clothes
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With the pandemic still raging, and the financial outlook for many of us grim, finding ways to cut household spending has never been more important. We all know that children grow like weeds, growing out of their clothes faster than you can say Indiana Jones. In fact, the average monthly cost broken down by Halifax spent by parents on clothing is £46.97 per child. Sick of spending money on clothes that your kids only wear three times before they’ve outgrown them? Here we list seven way to save money on children’s clothes so you can spend less on kitting out your sproglets each year.

Research stores which sell clothes for less

As far as getting discounts go, if you want to save money on children’s clothes – where you shop matters. Hunt out for stores that are known to sell clothes for less. As well as the obvious Primark and the clothes section of Sainsbury’s and Tesco, look out for other shops which sell cheap kids clothes online where bargains are to be had.

Buy mix and match pieces

Who can resist a cute outfit on the display! Well the answer is we should all do so if you want to save money on children’s clothes. Why? Because merchandisers know how to put together cute outfits whether in shops or online to get you to spend more. Instead of opting for put together outfits which by the way usually don’t go with any other items of clothing, go for single pieces which are versatile and easy to mix and match.

Buy multipacks

I love a multipack! Often shops will sell singular items like leggings or jogging bottoms singularly for more, but put together a multipack of perhaps maybe not such cute or intricate designs for less. Seek out the multipacks where the value for money you are getting for three items together vs three separate items is a no brainer and a great way to save money on children’s clothes.

Always check the sale

Younger children don’t really care (or know!) whether something is off trend, so always check the sale section. A great way to save money on children’s clothes, being in the sale section doesn’t mean the items there are duds – usually just that the store stock was in excess of demand and they are making way for new stock. Some of the best items I’ve ever picked up for my daughter (and myself!) have been from the sale section.

Buy off season

Another great trick to save money on children’s clothes is to buy summer clothes in winter, and visa versa. We usually find some great items in clearance in larger sizes and store it away for times ahead. Apart from the savings, it’s also a really nice surprise to find that you have some really lovely items snagged for a fraction of the price for when they do finally hit the age or size on the label!

Go second hand

Not suprisingly, buying second hand clothes is a great way to save money on children’s clothes. Sites like ebay as well as Facebook marketplace are your go-to for bagging preloved items during the pandemic and once restrictions are eased, second hand shops are full of bargains to be had.

Another tactic is to ask friends who have older children with no siblings to hand down to whether you could take their outgrown clothes off their hands. Don’t be shy! Most people are quite willing to get rid of their children’s old clothes and have a good old clear out.

Choose wisely

When it comes to choosing children’s clothes for longevity, then a little common sense goes a long way. Choose wisely to help them last longer. Think classic designs they won’t tire off. Kids clothes don’t need to follow trends, and they soon tire of their favourite TV characters so avoid items with characters on them as tempting as they might seem. Also be sure to choose hard wearing fabrics that wash well – avoid delicate fabrics and those likely to shrink in the tumble dryer. That is a headache we could definitely do without!

I hope you found these tips on how to save money on children’s clothes useful. Do you have any additional tips to add to the above? If so, why not share them in a comment below? And if you’re looking for information on saving money and buying online for a newborn why not check out these tips here.

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