5 ways to cope with stress

cope with stress
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Stress is an uncomfortable feeling, and many people will do everything they can to avoid feeling it. However, stress is a normal part of life and a product of the fight or flight instinct that kept early humans alive by fleeing predators. Nowadays – and especially during the pandemic – this stress response is triggered in everyday situations such as being stuck in a traffic jam or navigating your way around a busy supermarket. Unfortunately, sometimes you may experience stress in ongoing situations, which can be harder to manage. If you find yourself in this position, the following tips on how to cope with stress should help:

Understand Why You Are Stressed

It is possible to feel stressed without knowing the exact reason. When stress is prolonged, you may experience a long term, low level of stress that seems to be with you permanently. To tackle this, you may want to pinpoint the exact part of your situation that is causing you stress. Identifying the main factor will help you cope with stress and resolve it.

Talk it Through

At times of stress, it can be tempting to shut yourself away and become insular. If this is the case, you may want to speak to your doctor and discuss your feelings so that you can access some extra help. It can also be helpful to speak to friends or family members that you trust to help you cope with stress. Sometimes gaining another perspective or even just having a listening ear can help considerably.

Get Professional Advice

Taking action to resolve the source of your stress can be empowering and provide you with some relief. Maybe you need to attend an FHDRA or you need advice on how to approach a difficult situation at work. Whatever your situation, seeking professional advice can help you to take the first steps towards being able to cope with stress and getting the issue under control.

Take Care of Yourself

During stressful times, self-care may be the last thing on your mind. However, it should actually be one of your main priorities. Stress can take a severe toll on your physical health and your mental wellbeing. Taking care of yourself and practising self-care are the best ways to help you cope with stress.

Taking care of the basics is the first and most crucial step. Trying to get as much sleep as you can is essential. If sleeping is an issue, you may want to try some sleep hygiene techniques to help. Eating well is also vital, as when you are stressed, you need to nourish your body with foods that protect it and reduce inflammation caused by the stress response.

It can be helpful to seek out products and activities that can help you nourish your mind, body, and soul and release the stress. Meditation apps can help you to clear your mind and relax before bed. As can ensure you are getting enough water every day to avoid physical health implications from stress. CBD is a product that many people use to help them deal with stress and sleeping issues. Find more info about CBD Hemp Flowers from Frankys to find out how you can introduce CBD to your lifestyle.

Find a Distraction to Help You Cope with Stress

Finding a distraction may sound counter-intuitive if you are trying to handle your situation proactively. However, finding ways to keep yourself active and occupied is essential. Many people find that at times of anxiety and stress it helps to try activities that provide a sense of flow. Activities that bring a sense of flow include colouring, sketching, knitting, sewing, and anything else that you find that allows you to focus your attention fully on a task. 

Right now in these unprecedented times, many of us are under more pressure than perhaps we have ever been in ourentire lives. The above steps are a good starting point to help you cope with stress. Remember to be kind to yourselves and breathe! Goodness knows we all need to…

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