Baby safety: What to look out for with baby product materials

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Baby brands spend a vast amount of money to make their products look and perform a certain way, and while most would agree this is beneficial in many ways, there are some baby safety issues. It is now very easy to get distracted by the look and finish of a baby product and not pay attention to the materials that are used and the impact this can have on baby safety.

To help with this, we teamed up with Joyto to put some information together that will hopefully highlight some things to look out for when choosing products for babies. Joyto provides a wide selection of products, all of which have been designed and created using materials that are completely safe and suitable for babies. As parents, we all want the best thing for our children and making sure we are providing them with the best and safest products possible is an important part of this. Here are some things to consider with regards to baby safety:

Skin irritation

As any parent will know, babies have very sensitive skin and protecting this skin can be a challenge at times. For this reason, making sure the baby products and clothes that you use with them should be made from materials that will not cause them irritation.

With products such as burp cloths or bedding for the cot – essential products for keeping your baby clean and happy, choosing a material such as organic cotton will avoid irritating your baby’s skin. With a burp cloth for instance, which is already designed to clean up spit or excess food and will therefore likely be used on and around your baby’s face, you want it to be as soft on their skin as possible.

Food safety

Mealtimes can be tricky when children are still young, so the last thing parents need is the thought that the products they are using could be harmful to their children. But the reality is that some products could become harmful and that of course is a serious concern when it comes to baby safety.

Plastic is the most commonly used material when it comes to eating products such as plates, bowls and cutlery for babies and young children. While plastics have some benefits that make it a good choice for these kinds of items, it also has some significant issues that parents should be aware of. Most notably, plastics can quickly start to degrade, causing sharp edges and cuts to form on the surface of things like bowls or plates. Not only does this create a potentially harmful surface, but it can lead to toxins leaching out of the plastic and into your children’s food.

There are alternatives that are not made from plastic, and one which is becoming increasingly popular is bamboo. Parents who use bamboo baby bowls do not have to worry about the issues mentioned above, thanks to bamboo being a highly durable material that is ideally suited for making food-safe products.

Temperature control

Keeping your baby comfortable at different times of the year can be challenging, so being aware of the materials you are using with them is really important. Looking out for materials such as pure natural bamboo fibre can be a good idea as it has the ability to keep babies feeling cool, helping to regulate their temperature when the weather gets hot. When compared to cotton, it is superior in this regard.

Clearly, when temperatures get colder, you need products that are made from warm materials that can be used both indoors and when you take your baby outside. An important thing to remember with this is to look for clothing and products that are adaptable. For example, products with zips or detachable elements can help regulate your baby’s temperature if they start to get too warm. 

While it can be easy to buy the typical products and not think about things too much, because there is already so much to think about when raising a child, taking the time and effort to research products and the materials they are made from and their impact on baby safety can have significant benefits for you and your children.   

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