Getting away from it all with Travel Matters: The benefits of solo travel

benefits of solo travel
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I always joke about how you need a holiday from a holiday with the family, well for the first time in a VERY long time I discovered the benefits of solo travel for myself on a solo trip to Bologna organised by the wonderful Travel Matters.

But in all seriousness, it wasn’t a holiday from a holiday I needed. It was a proper holiday from life. One where I wasn’t micromanaging my family’s holiday experience, people-pleasing and catering to everyone else’s needs.

Going solo

The last few months have been especially tough for me which I’ve written more about here as I come to terms with my BRCA1 positive diagnosis and what that means for me and my family. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted and I hadn’t even considered how much a little solo travel trip could be just the tonic I needed.

Some journeys can only be travelled alone

So off I went on my own, on an EasyJet flight (good start – it didn’t get cancelled!). Although I have to admit to feeling a little anxious about travelling by myself my anxieties immediately dissolved once I arrived at the expertly picked out Palazzo Di Varignana in the Bolognese Hills. To say that it was the perfect base for my first solo trip in about 15 years was a gross understatement!

Travelling to meet yourself

I feel like I’ve grown so much from taking this trip all by myself, getting comfortable with my own company, with mum mode firmly off and it has been so eye-opening, liberating and incredibly empowering.

It’s very rare in this mum life that we get to do what we want, how we want and without a soundtrack of little voices and I’ve discovered how solo travel is an incredible way of getting away from it all for a couple of days and achieving that.

If you never go, you will never know

When so many of us have been feeling worn out from the last few years, I can hand on heart say that solo travel is the absolutely perfect remedy and a brilliant act of self-care.

With that said today I wanted to share the benefits of solo travel in the hope that it will inspire you to go forth and do the same:

You can be totally selfish

How often do you get to do exactly what you want and when you want on holiday? If you are a mum the answer is probably never! Usually, my request to go on a bike ride, hike, see some stunning architecture or spend hours in the spa are met with disdain.

But yes! Because I was travelling alone I got to do all of this in spades for the duration I wanted without it being cut short because of some family drama or need. Travelling by yourself means you can do it totally your way and at your own pace and boy is that sweet!

Stepping outside your comfort zone

As I mentioned above, I initially felt anxious about travelling by myself, but the best way to confront your anxieties is to deal with them head-on. As I sit here and write this, I’m embarrassed to say I’m not even sure what I was anxious about. That I would miss my flight? Get lost? Get injured? All of the above?

Obviously, none of that happened and I was a calm, confident and capable human able to navigate her way through her solo travel adventures as my younger self would have expected!

Also being by yourself the whole time takes some getting used to but although strange at first but once you relax into it you really do start to enjoy the solitude and the sweetness it brings. This brings me to my next point…

Peace and quiet

With solitude brings coveted peace and quiet. There is no incessant chatter, questions or pleas. Just you, your thoughts, people watching, the sounds of nature around you, background noise. It is incredibly grounding to be in peace and quiet with yourself, let me you.

Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem

Sometimes as a mum, you just get used to being “mum” even though you wear so many other hats in your work and personal life. You also become used to operating as a unit, within the confines of your family or the safety of your work self. But strip all that away and you’re left with the you that maybe you forgot you were. Solo travel and making your own decisions and destiny on your adventure, and not having to wear any kind of hat except the hat that is just you is incredibly empowering and a great boost to your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Rest without feeling guilty

How often do you sit down and relax? If you’re anything like me that’s probably never. There’s always something that needs doing, something that needs checking off that to-do list. Even on a family holiday where you will probably find yourself still picking up after others or having to do a quick laundry run to save yourself from drowning in numerous loads when you get back.

But on a solo travel trip, it’s just you which means you can truly sit back and relax. You can get up when you want, sit by the pool for as long as you want without being heckled to get in, chill at the spa for as long as you want rather than squeezing in a quick hour. There is nothing to do and nowhere to be and nobody to do it for apart from you!

No stress!

When you go on a family holiday there are so many moving parts and people to please that often there are times when it can feel quite stressful. But when it’s just you all of that gets stripped away because the only needs, wants and expectations are your own. They are probably quite minimal or angst-ridden making the whole experience stress free.


When there is only one of you travelling suddenly everything feels so much cheaper! One person means only one set of flights, one room, one meal and let me tell you, with the prices of everything in life spiralling right now that makes the case for solo travel a very compelling one indeed!

Craving the benefits of solo travel but feeling nervous/not confident enough/not knowing where to start? Why not have a chat with the lovely people at Travel Matters who will be able to create the trip to soothe your soul.

Find out more here

Disclaimer: I was a guest of Travel Matters at Palazzo Di Varignana


  1. Absolutely agreeing with most of your points here about travel solo, I’m loving my solo travel, especially getting to know more about own. I love solo travel myself. & have been to certain countries just by myself solo backpacking, hope COVID getting stable & would like to resume back. Happy solo travel. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  2. I travel solo often to go visit my family, but I’ve never done a vacation like this completely on my own. It sounds like a great way to get a break though. My family loves to travel, but it would be nice to not have to “mom” while on vacation sometimes.

  3. I’ve never been brave enough to solo travel. I know it’s becoming more popular. It would make getting away easier and give me a much needed break.

  4. I haven’t experience travelling alone. I was always with my husband. But maybe someday I would.

  5. After reading your post, I am seriously considering travelling solo! I badly need a break from my daily chaotic and toxic life. I’ll check travel matters website.

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