Here’s what your child’s behaviour may mean

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Do you ever wonder what your child’s behaviour may mean? Of course you do! Children can go through phases of good behaviour and bad behaviour, just like any human being. The consequences of these actions may be minor or more severe, depending on the circumstances, and this is why every child needs to learn how to control their behaviour in their formative years.

As a parent or carer, you need to act as their guide and teach them how to behave and function in society, as well as help them learn how to appropriately respond to and process their emotions. However, sometimes it isn’t always easy to understand why your child’s behaviour may mean or why they might be acting out, so here are some triggers that you should look out for.

They are Over Tired

You will know how much more irritated you feel when you haven’t had enough sleep and are exhausted. Everything is much harder than it needs to be, and you might even experience feelings of depression and despair. If your child is acting out and getting upset for no obvious reason, it could be because they haven’t been sleeping well or are very low on energy. To resolve this, try to make sure that they are sticking to a good sleep routine and avoid doing anything that is overly stimulating for them before bedtime, such as playing games or watching TV.

Tension at Home or Disruption to Their Routine

Children need structured routines and a living environment that feels safe to them. If problems are going on at home that are causing it to be a stressful environment, it isn’t uncommon for a child’s behaviour to be affected. If you are a foster carer, you might have seen this happen in your experience as the children you welcome into your home adjust to their new surroundings. They might also be dealing with trauma or other emotional issues if they have come from a difficult environment. The FCA and other fostering agencies will be able to provide special training for new and seasoned carers to help you navigate this situation if you find yourself in it.

Developmental Challenges

Another reason for your child’s behaviour could be due to developmental challenges. Everyone learns at different paces and if your child is feeling left behind at school, this might be very frustrating for them. It might also be that they find socializing difficult if they have an undiagnosed behavioural problem or other healthcare condition that affects their development. If you are concerned about this, speak to your doctor and see if this is what is causing the issue so that you can understand how to help your child better.

Not Enough Outdoor Play and Exercise

Exercise is a mood booster as it releases more endorphins in your brain, so it makes sense that if your child spends more time running around that they will be happier and healthier. While playing computer games or watching movies is OK for your child to do, they must have a balance and spend enough time outside in the fresh air, playing with their friends. If your child seems stressed or moody, try to get them to engage in more outdoor play and see if this makes a difference.

Many things can affect a child’s behaviour, the above are just some examples of what your child’s behaviour might mean., Hopefully, they will help you to figure out what might be wrong as it’s not always easy to see.

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