To the imperfect mum at Christmas

To the mum who  starts out loving Christmas each year, but has to struggle through many an imperfection to get you through the run up and to the big day itself.

To the mum who put her whole heart into making cupcakes for the school bake sale and died inside when she saw their decrepit selves next to their perfectly created and iced counterparts.

To the mum whose Christmas “craft” endeavours left glitter explosions and glue mountains which made you and all those pretty creations on Pinterest want to sob in pity a big fat pity party dedicated to you.

To the mum whose Christmas cheer is flagging already on day 13 of advent and has peaked too early on in the never ending build up.

To the mum who would really just like Santa to bring her an agreeable family this Christmas.

To the mum who hasn’t been organised yet another year to dive into the trend of Christmas jumpers.

To the mum who can’t keep up with the bajillion notes in the school book bag about what you need to bring in when.

To the mum who has no possible idea how she is going to return everything single Christmas card from your child’s class because you’re flagging already on the fourth.

And to the mum who has sent literally not one of her own, messed up on ordering the school Christmas cards, and has no idea how these people have the time to create magical bespoke family Christmas cards.

To the mum who has spent the run up to Christmas in a bevvy of cold, flu and sickness bugs, leaving you with about as much energy for Christmas as a sloth on its last legs.

To the mum who is already dreading the wrapping of a bajillion Christmas presents, of which half the time will be spent scrabbling around for the end of the sellotape.

To the mum who is sick of being on the verge of a cardiac every time the Amazon delivery man almost beats down your door to deliver something whilst someone in your house is supposed to be sleeping for something you didn’t even order. But yes – you’ll take it for the neighbour.

To the mum who has lost count of the number of times her child has whined about anything to do with Christmas and chocolate.

To the mum who has is literally sick of repeating the facts about what will be happening on Christmas day to little ears -yes it was endearing the first few times but not now on the twentieth.

To the mum  who almost choked on the snow spray…and whose snowflakes look nothing like the ones on the windows at Starbucks…or snowflakes at all really. Just white mess on the window.

To all these mums….I just want to say it’s ok. You’re not alone.  We will survive yet another imperfect Christmas. Let’s take the pressure off ourselves and be ok with all our imperfections. And leave the “perfect” Christmases of the TV adverts and magazines, down to the experts. After all – it’s only Christmas, and we’re not saving lives here….and….well all of this is not really what Christmas is about anyway,  is it?

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Picture credit: Designed by Freepik



  1. Love all of these! I have been there. I’m struggling with a cold at the moment and suddenly overwhelmed with work! At least now that 2 of mine are teens I can recruit them to help and they may realise why I get so stressed at Christmas. Delegation is the name of the game here! x

  2. This is completely me, I’m glad I’m not alone. My kids went to school in ‘Christmas’ jumpers today that I sewed tinsel onto a jumper. Everyone else had proper ones. I’d left it too late to buy one and they’d all sold out. #mumfail

  3. YES, YES, YES to all of these. Especially the never-ending run up to Christmas with never-ending Christmas. I would also quite like an agreeable family for Christmas who don’t fall out over the turkey. This was just the reassuring post I needed to read today. I always get anxious before Christmas because it’s quite a feat to keep family and extended family happy! I hope that you have a lovely Christmas and I will see you in the New Year! xx #CoolMumClub

  4. Haha..Choked on snow spray!;)))that’s me! Oh, and agreeable family – is that even an option? And you’re right – that is not what Christmas is about – us stressing out all month long! Thanks for this – hope as many mums as possible read this! #coolmumclub

  5. I am all of these mums. Or I would be if I actually bothered to do any of the things you have mentioned here but I don’t, because I just know that it would all end in tears and nobody wants to cry at Christmas.

    Thanks for hosting #coolmumclub

  6. One of these points was me all over – missing every school deadline! Hamper gift, raffle tickets, bazaar contribution, charity shoebox. Missed. Every. Single. One.
    Must try harder next year! This was a practice run anyway right?! 😉

    Happy Damn Christmas lovely coolmumclub co-host – May yours be merry and bright

  7. Thank you for this. I was so looking forward to a run of pinterest perfect blog posts about crafts, recipes and activities… and I’ve managed I think 3? We’ve had a run of awful illnesses one after the other among other issues so nothing has gone to plan. Thank you for reminding me i’m not alone! xx #coolmumclub

  8. hahaha this is me all over. Pinterest is my own worse enemy. You get all these grand ideas for Christmas only to realise you have no time to do it all. I’m still working on making my own Christmas decorations. Doh!!

  9. I controversially have fund this year pretty enjoyable apart form a few bug bears… I hate the financial strain and panic but I do try and remember we are so much more lucky than a lot of other countries. Also Im totally with you on the Amazon delivery guy front… mine is that they must wait about two seconds before leaving your parcel with a neighbour or just popping a slip through your door so you have to go to the post office to collect it (defeating the point of ordering online in the first place!) Half the time Im sure they don’t even bother using the bell if they don’t have time to wait for you to answer! Ive been in the house soon many times and just heard the letterbox go with a ‘we tried but you weren’t in’ slip 🙁 #coolmumclub

  10. It’s so easy to get caught up wanting to do the perfect Christmas for everyone. I’m pleased I can be perfectly imperfect if I choose to be. #coolmumclub

  11. Aw I love this so much! I am actually 95% elf and I genuinely love every little bit of Christmas and all the malarkey that goes into it, but quite frankly by this point I’m blimmin knackered and just want to collapse into a duvet and / or put my face into a big box of Celebrations. Nothing ever quite works out as I’d planned, but then nobody else knew what I had in mind anyway really so when it comes to the crunch we all generally get away with it – whatever the outcome! Merry Christmas Talya

  12. It’s not just mothers who feel this, but grandmothers as well. I too am guilty of pinning lovely pictures of homemade Christmas crafts, which I then attempt with my granddaughter, despite my having zero artistic skill. We have lots of fun but the glitter gets everywhere.

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