7 hair care tips for busy mums

It’s no great cover up that the one thing that suffers massively once you become a mum is your hair. Once your pride and joy, you hair is now sad, lonely and neglected….and a shadow of its former self – sob! So how can we keep the fire alive when it comes to our barnets? Here are my seven hair care tips for busy mums which will hopefully enable us to do just that.

1. Wash your hair less

Look, finding the time to wash your hair as a busy mum is a NIGHTMARE! Once upon a time we would wash our hair every other day, hell – even every day! but no, those times are gone. Although the idea of washing your hair every third day might sound a bit ewww, if you wash your hair less often you can eventually train it to become less greasy. This may involve you hiding your hair under a scarf or whatever to begin with on the third day, but trust me not only will this free up more of your precious  time with only two hair washes a week (huzzah!), but your hair will be – and this is no lie – rather more gorgeous for it! Been there, done it.

2. Let your hair air dry (as much as possible)

It’s true, I can’t live without a hairdryer, BUT if if you let your hair dry…say 75% naturally and then do the rest with the hairdryer not only will you save a whole stack of time but this method is also far kinder to your hair as you’ll be reducing the amount of time your hair follicles will be blasted with your trusty one way ticket to split ends appliance. Top tip: I actually wrap my hair up in a e-cloth (which is usually used for cleaning the home!) after washing it because it helps to dry it so much faster!

3. Step away from the straighteners

I know…it’s so tempting, your hair looks so incredible after they’ve locked follicles with those GHDs, but unless you want to find yourself having to book in for a new head of hair, save your straighteners for special occasions only please.

4. Invest in a decent shampoo and condition

Here’s the thing – recently I thought it would be a good idea to skip on my usual shampoo and conditioner and just use any old bottle I had knocking around at the back of my cabinet. O.M.G. DON’T DO IT! My hair was unmanageable and utterly ghastly! Using the right products including a quality shampoo and conditioner which is specific to your hair needs actually does cut out a lot of the hard work for you and ensures you don’t end up looking like Worzel Gummage. You know that say, you get what you get.

5. Deep condition on the run

You know what I love? Argan Oil. The beauty of Argan Oil is that you can just slap it all over your hair and let it work it’s wonders while you career around the house doing all your chores before you finally get the chance to hop in the shower and wash it all off and afterwards….well hello there luscious locks!

6. Invest in a good dry shampoo

Us mums love a good old dry shampoo don’t we? A quick spritz and ta-dah! who needs a hair wash anyway?! But did you know that your dry shampoo can actually be really bad for your hair and even cause hair loss? Instead of suffocating your hair, invest in a dry shampoo that doesn‘t just absorb oil but actually removes dirt and grease and sweat from your hair …I love Living Proof’s Perfect Hair Day Dry Shampoo for exactly that reason.

Did you find these tips useful? What other hair care tips for busy mamas do you have to share. Do leave them in a comment below.

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  1. Thanks for these great tips! I’ve got three children myself, so I know how difficult it is to give your hair the much-needed attention. If I could only force myself to let my hair air dry… 🙂 -Nicky

  2. Hey, thanks for the tips! Good timing for me as I just found out I’m 5 weeks pregnant 🙂 Think I’ll struggle to stay away from my ghds to be honest! Nice tip on the dry shampoo, it’s one of my must have products – perfect for days when I’m running out the door!

  3. These 7 hair care tips for busy mums are really impressive. This article will hopefully give mums more confidence with their hair, especially if they have little time. I really like the second point, as not all women may think of this when caring for their hair. All mums who are looking for hair care advice can benefit from this article.

  4. Thanks Talya for the great information! please share some tips on Permanent Solution For Grey Hair

  5. My hair become very dry and rough after i born my first baby. My hair is also curly and i did’t get time to shampoo it everyday, so its like a mess. Last week i make them straight and now feel much better.

  6. I’ve never thought about using an e-cloth to dry my hair! It takes so long to naturally dry, so this would save me hours of time. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Yes! Washing less with the best kind of hair products for my hair, and the most magical unicorn dry shampoo is what keeps my hair healthy.

  8. Awesome share. Thanks you for these useful points. A healthy lifestyle is essential. Women are the backbones of our life and therefore they should be healthy and fit. Health and wellness play a very important role in our lives. Thanks.

  9. ghd have updated the technology and the heat senors in the plates now – so use a lower, more optimized heat which damages the hair less than conventional hair straighteners. if you use a good quality heat protection then you shouldn’t really damage your hair.

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