Newborn twin photos: Photography tips for twin babies

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Photos have a way of capturing and appreciating special moments. But, taking those beautiful photos isn’t that simple, especially if they are baby photos. A single newborn’s photo alone is difficult since they tend to be all over the place, now imagine taking newborn twin photos.

You need to have the right camera, know how to set up proper lighting or where to position the newborn twins to avoid one casting shadows on the other and how to pose them. All these and much more is involved to ensure that you produce stunning newborn twin photos. Here are some photography tips for twin babies.

Photography tips for newborn twin photos

Plan for a pre-shoot preparation

Whether you are a professional photographer or not you need to prepare prior to the photoshoot session. For professional photographers, speak to the parents to know about the gender of the twins and if they would like gender-specific props. There might be specific clothes, colour combinations and accessories that the parents might want. 

This will help you gather the appropriate materials, which might include specific coloured blankets or baby clothes. In some cases, you might have to include toys or props. Avoid sharp toys and small toys that they can easily swallow. Clean your studio space and remove any clutter. Pick soft and safe toys that might not cause any harm to the babies. Do the same for at home photo shoots

Ensure that the babies’ needs are met first

Before any photo session, always ensure that there is time for the baby or babies to be attended to. Check with the parents to see if they’ll need some time in between the session to do a few things like feed the babies. They might also need a diaper change in between the shoot. Consider this when you are planning for the photo shoot and remember that compared to a single baby’s photo shoot, with twins, you will need to create more time.

Consider the lighting

In most cases, natural lighting is often preferred which can be coming from a window especially for newborns. These are newborn twins whose body parts are still growing and harsh lighting can distress them and even affect their vision. But ensure that the lighting is not coming from one direction and leaving shadows on the photos. To reduce this, use reflectors and mirrors to even out the brightness. Ensure that the camera flash isn’t directly facing them. Depending on the weather, you can also try an outdoor photoshoot though this can be difficult with newborn twins. 

Try different poses

We all love poses in photos but with newborn twins, you cannot ask them to pose. You need to place them in a way that you can capture the photo. Most of the time they are either lying down asleep and sometimes they lie down with their eyes open. For newborn twins you can lay them together on a soft surface like a throw blanket and either wrap them gently or let them sprawl out. If the room is warm enough you can remove the blankets.

Once you are ready for the photoshoot, you can try out different outfits and angles to bring out twin baby photos. Since most twins are often dressed in matching outfits, you can dress them up in different matching outfits. You can also capture each twin individually. Get in touch with one of the best photographers for a spot-on twin baby photoshoot.

Background photo created by freepic.diller –

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