Why teaching children handwriting is still important

In this day of gadgets and gizmos where the thumb seems to be mightier than the pen, you could be forgiven for thinking that teaching children handwriting is not as important as it once was. WRONG! Teaching children handwriting is still as important as ever. I’ve joined forces with uni-ball to share my thoughts on why handwriting is a skill that needs to be cherished and nurtured:

It improves memory

As a child, I remember writing things over and over in order to remember them. These days as an adult can I remember anything that I type on a keyboard? Not likely! The reason why this is is because the brain engages differently when you write something down on paper as opposed to getting the same thought, idea or sentence down via a keyboard. It’s no wonder then that studies have shown that handwriting improves memory and that children learn better when writing ideas down, as opposed to typing them.

It is better at helping children with literacy

While there are so many fantastic apps out there these days to help children to learn the alphabet and to read and write, sometime’s the old school really is the best school. Learning letters on a screen only engages the eyes and the fingertips however learning them through writing also  brings in more touch sensory experiences, fine-motor muscles in the fingers and even the arms and body.

Note-keeping rocks

As a blogger, this one comes from the heart. Although the words that I write at this precise moment are all through the keyboard, almost all my note taking is done in a note pad and many successful people across all careers and walks of life state that jotting down notes has been crucial to their success. The ability to jot down notes is still so important so let’s not forget it.

Handwriting helps children be in the now

Technology has it’s place, but it can also be a massive distraction. There is something amazingly immersive about handwriting – it brings you into the now. You can’t write as fast as you think – unlike typing. Handwriting forces us all to slow down and be more considered – something that is invaluable for children in this crazy fast paced life we live in.

Handwriting is part of a child’s identity

Do you remember experimenting with different styles of handwriting as a child? I do. I remember also experiemting with copying other people’s styles, and wondering what someone’s handwriting said about them. Handwriting is a unique personal statement, and one that should be embraced by every child as part of their individuality and exploration of self.

You can’t beat a child’s handwritten note

OK, slightly selfish, but you know when your child first starts writing you little notes, thank you letters, and cards. You heart melts. Are you going to feel that way when they learn to send you an email, or leave a message up on your computer instead of a post it note? Nah, I didn’t think so. These acts of handwriting have to be up there with the moments that make parenthood worthwhile.

So as you can tell I’m really a handwriting advocate, and if you’re passionate about keeping the skill of handwriting alive in your children, why not check out these top tips on teaching handwriting to children as well as these free handwriting worksheets for children.

Of course everybody knows there is a strong connection between learning to read and write, and so to celebrate that don’t forget to head over to my giveaways page where I have a lovely chance to win a set of 3 personalised books from I See Me.


Do you champion handwriting in your children? What are your thoughts on the importance of handwriting in children? Do share your thoughts in a comment below.

*This is a collaborative post 



  1. I was talking to someone the other day who said a lot of children struggle with writing now because of the amount of time they spend on devices. I could imagine not being able to write and put such importance on it. My children aren’t at school yet, but I already encourage them to hold a pen or pencil properly and practice writing their names. It is such an important skill to have.

  2. Agree on all the above. Our daughter started writing early and since school her handwriting has come on loads. I definitely think it helps with memory. I too love the little handwritten notes.

  3. My daughter is only 21 months and we are always working on improving her pen holding skills and in the future, I will be working on teaching her writing. I think it is still a very important part of life.

  4. I think it is primordial! It is one of the most important skills in life! And it is so bad when they start secondary school and they can’t write properly. It is setting them up for failure!

  5. Haha I’d forgotten about experimenting with different styles. I liked how a classmate wrote her “F’s” and I adopted them! And like you I ALWAYS write notes etc in a notebook. Hubby keeps telling me to use Evernote but I can’t!

  6. When I was young at school I loved handwriting class, now my teacher would be disappointed as I rarely write and type everything. These are definitely good reasons to teach kids handwriting

  7. My daughter loves reading she took an I treat in books very young she love me and dad het stories we still showing her hand control she only just turning 4 next month x

  8. I couldn’t agree more. Practice makes perfect too. My just 9 year old granddaughter really struggles to get her writing neat – I don’t think she has the patience! She’d rather be drawing cartoons (which she’s brilliant at!) – but when she sits and practices she can do it. I bought her some of the old-fashioned double lined writing practice books which help. I’m also encouraging her just 5 year old sister to write neatly too. We play ‘schools’ sometimes and make a game of it. Wish I knew what the answer is, but hopefully it will all click. When my brood were small I’d have them sitting at the table practising their handwriting after homework, but to be honest I don’t think full-time working parents have the same amount of time.

  9. Handwriting is an important aid to communication and self-expression, so a vital thing to learn to do well. We love reading and writing in our house-the boys love Roald Dahl books at the moment.

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