The 3 things you need to do to stay in shape

Those of you know have been following my blog will know that I have been on a mission to get fit and stay fit with GymCube. Well I’m now well into my Strengthen and Define Plan and have to say I’m really starting to feel and see the difference. I have more energy, feel a lot healthier, and feel so much stronger!

It’s made me realise that if you want to get in shape and stay in shape there are certain things you need to do (and not do!). Here are some of my revelations:

Don’t diet

Although there are so many diets out there promising amazing results, the truth is with most of them you will just end up on a never ending cycle of yo-yoing. To get in shape and feed your body right so that you can get and stay fit it’s all about meeting your body’s nutritional needs and making healthy eating…and SMART eating… part of your lifestyle. The key to getting fit and staying fit I’ve learnt is knowing what your body needs, what makes your body feel good and what gives you the energy to kick ass throughout the day and then sticking with that applying the 80/20 rule (because we’re only human).

Find a way of making exercise right for you

As a busy mum, I know that signing up to a physical gym is never going to work for me – it will just be money down the pan. I have a short half hour before school pick up when I know I can get some exercise done. Evenings are for chilling, and so for me GymCube is the perfect solution. I can literally stick on my favourite workouts and get them done right in the middle of the working day, meaning there’s really no excuses for not exercising. Similarly, it’s about finding exercises that you like to do. For me, I know I’m a HIIT, weights and yoga girl and finding the types of exercise that do it for you really help you stick to your fitness commitment.

Know that your health and fitness matters

Keeping fit and healthy is not a nice to do, it’s a necessary. It’s something we owe our bodies to keep us fit and strong because these are the building blocks that will be seeing us into later years.  If it means you have to make sacrifices to make the fitness happen, then do it. With our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, fitness isn’t the thing that should be shelved, it’s the thing we should be prioritizing.

So there you have it, the three massive realizations on my GymCube journey thus far and they have been game changing for me. I’ve never been as committed to my fitness as now, and long my it stay that way! You can catch up on my fitness journey so far here.

Do you try to stay fit? What challenges do you face in trying to get and stay fit and healthy? Do share in a comment below.

*This is a collaborative post 


  1. Great advice, totally agree about not dieting and how amazing physical exercise is for mental health. Now just wish I could motivate myself to get started!!!

  2. I completely agree with the no dieting point. Yo-yo dieting is a scourge and messes with your body and metabolism. I much prefer eating well and having the odd treat than getting bored on a diet and having a blow out when I’ve had enough!

  3. I think eating a balanced and healthy diet is the best way to get into shape. I do my exercise first thing in the morning and that works really well for me at the moment.

  4. I could not agree more about dieting trying to lose weight fast is never good especially if not done right. There should always be a balance between healthy eating and exercise.

  5. Great advice, you can’t make yourself exercise if you don’t enjoy it, that’s why I love my dance class because it’s fun and it doesn’t actually feel like exercise – I’m definitely not a gym person x

  6. Wow, thanks for this post. It was literally life-saver for me today as I was kind of in a bad mood and a bit depressed today – and I’m running this strict, low carb diet and due to the circumstances I wanted to a cheat day today.
    There is no point in doing that though, I need to stay strong – thanks a lot!

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