4 reasons to start taking better care of yourself – that includes men too

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Many of us have experienced the stress of dealing with so many major changes and upheavals at once over the past few years. Unfortunately, this stress has led many of us to neglect the things we ordinarily do to take care of ourselves. I have so many friends who are struggling immensely right now with their mental health, and as I look around taking better care of yourself has never been more important.

Over on Motherhood: The Real Deal we walk a lot about self-care for mums however men are especially in danger of falling into this trap, as it’s long been a social norm for men to deprioritize their own health and well-being. Indeed, many men are conditioned to see self-care as an unproductive, selfish, or excessively self-indulgent pursuit.

The truth, however, is that taking better care of yourself can be immensely beneficial not only to you, but also to those around you. With that in mind, here are four compelling reasons to start paying more attention to your own well-being:

Your Physical and Mental Well-Being Are Linked

There’s a ton of scientific research out there to suggest that our mental and physical well-being are closely related. Excessive stress can drain your physical energy, manifest as bodily aches and pains, and even make you more susceptible to certain diseases.

On the flip side of this, taking care of your body is a surefire way to start feeling better mentally. Eating and sleeping well, staying hydrated, and getting enough exercise can improve your mood and help you feel sharper and more focused mentally. Good physical self-care also includes finding ways to make your daily routines healthier and less stressful on your body.

If you have a job that requires you to be up and about all day, for example, wearing a pair of men’s compression crew socks to work can encourage better blood circulation in your feet and lower legs. This will reduce any swelling, pain, or fatigue you might experience from standing for extended periods. If you work a desk job, meanwhile, an ergonomic work setup is a must for minimizing body aches. Better ergonomics will also reduce your risk of developing more severe conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome.

You’ll Be More Effective at Anything You Do

The more you take care of yourself, the better equipped you’ll be to take care of everything else that needs your attention in your everyday life. This is one of the most important arguments against self-care as a useless or selfish practice.

In fact, multiple studies have shown that people who feel good mentally and physically are more productive than people who are exhausted or stressed out. Research suggests, for instance, that people who regularly tend to their own well-being have greater cognitive ability than those who don’t. Mental functions like concentration, memory, creativity, motivation, and decision-making are all significantly enhanced by regular self-care.

Your Stress Impacts Those Close to You

Many men are prone to directing negative emotions like irritation and anger outwards, towards other people, because it makes them feel in control of both their feelings and their immediate environment. However, taking your stress, discomfort, and exhaustion out on others helps no one in the long run. It won’t make you feel better, and it’s likely to strain your interpersonal relationships severely.

You might think you can live with being stressed out and exhausted most of the time, but it’s worthwhile to spare a thought for the ways your condition might affect the people you interact with every day. If you’re unsure, ask a family member or co-worker how witnessing your stress affects them, and listen earnestly to what they have to say. They may be able to point out unhealthy habits or behaviors you need to change, as well as help you think about more constructive practices to replace them with.

It Can Give You Something Enjoyable to Look Forward To

Many men tend to avoid practicing self-care because they assume it’s an expensive, time-consuming, and overall difficult process. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be.

What self-care involves, as well as how self-care strategies can be integrated into daily life, will be different for everyone. At the end of the day, anything that makes you feel good, brings you a sense of fulfillment, or contributes positively to your overall well-being can be considered a form of self-care.

If you’d like to get more exercise, for instance, there’s no need to invest in a gym membership or fancy equipment if these don’t speak to you. Instead, choose enjoyable activities that you can integrate easily into your daily routine, like taking a jog around your neighborhood every day or cycling to work instead of driving. Even if you start small, you’ll soon reap the benefits of prioritizing your well-being.

At the end of the day, men can benefit a lot from regular self-care, even if it may not be evident at first. Moreover, remember that taking care of yourself is not only good for you, but for those you care about as well. Prioritizing your well-being is instrumental to reaching your goals, nurturing your interpersonal relationships, and ultimately making a positive impact on the world you live in.

Photo by RODNAE Productions

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