5 alternative ceremony ideas to celebrate a divorce

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Celebrate a divorce? Do people really do that? Oh, they certainly do! Read on for six alternative ceremony ideas to celebrate.

You may be surprised to find that, in the UK, marriage success stands at 59.09% percent, with Somerset, Surrey, and Lincolnshire the areas with the highest rates of success. That said, not everyone is so lucky, and divorce happens for various reasons, whether it’s a lack of love, toxicity, an affair… the list can go on.

If you’re one of these people, a Somerset, Surrey or Lincolnshire divorce solicitor will be able to assist in the ending of your marriage. That said, despite what we may think, the end of a divorce doesn’t have to be sad. It can be the start of a new chapter for you, which is why you may want to celebrate a divorce.

Using it as something to positively celebrate with those close to you could be right up your street. Choosing a ceremony theme that is unique to you and your personality will truly indicate that it is celebrating your new beginning in life. That is why we have come up with a list of six alternative ceremony ideas to celebrate a divorce; read on to find out more…

1.   ‘Wedding’ Party

We use the term wedding here loosely because you’ve married once before, and unfortunately, in that instance, it didn’t quite work out for you. So, the next best thing is having your divorce ceremony as a ‘wedding’ where you are ‘marrying’ yourself.

This might mean doing all the usual things that you would do at an actual wedding, such as having a dress, cake, music, guests, venue, ceremony, and vows. It sounds like your typical wedding, but it doesn’t have to look like one and nor will it be an official one.

You can pick the theme and set the meaning behind it, such as learning to love yourself and being independent without a partner. Even if you do have a partner, it can be about having confidence and independence in yourself.

2.   Celebrate With Self Care

Gather all your close friends and just have a celebration where you indulge in self-care. It might be low key at home where you’re all cosied up in your pyjamas with face masks, your favourite wines, comfort snacks, and of course, a romcom on in the background. Or, perhaps you might choose to go to a spa for a professional treatment, and to use their other equipment such as sauna, steam room, and hot tubs. You could even experiment with True Pheromones which are a fun way of boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem. Pheremones can improve your mood, stimulate your interest in romance, help you stay focused. Self-confidence is important in all areas of our life, and most of us could use some help with it every now and then!

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3.   TV or Film Themed Party

Some divorce parties don’t necessarily have to focus on your marriage ending. Instead, it could just be a party where you and your friends have a good time together.

For example, a fun party idea could be a party planned around your favourite TV show or film. You could make everyone dress up as one of the characters, have themed food, drinks, and decorations, and watch it together.

Pinterest has tons of fun examples of themed parties based on shows or films, from Friends, to Sex and the City, to Greys Anatomy – whatever you might fancy.

4.   Dating App Inspired Party

Now, if your divorce has taken a while and you feel ready to head back into the dating world, then you might want your divorce party to be celebrating finding a new partner. What’s a better way to do that than have a dating app inspired party where you and your friends set to find you your next partner or casual date.

It might be that you and your friends design your dating profiles on multiple platforms, and then they match you with who they think you might be interested in. The fun thing about doing this is that the people that they match you with might not be your usual type. It makes for an interesting party and might even help you with your next step into the singles world. 

Even if you aren’t ready for the dating world quite yet, you could pretend by making a fake dating app for you and your friends to get involved with. Perhaps the matches might be a selection of actors, singers, presenters, or even people you know and might fancy.

5.   ‘Hen Do/Stag Do’ Party

Similar to the fake wedding idea, throwing a fake hen do/stag do means you can do all the usual fun things before getting married. However, this time you’re single, free, and ready to mingle, with no pressure of marriage after. Gather all your best friends, select a location, and have the time of your lives.

Perhaps you could hire some exotic dancers, or play some inappropriate, raunchy and fun divorce party games. Our personal favourites include Cards Against Humanity and truth or dare; it doesn’t just have to be considered a children’s game, if you know what we mean.

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It’s Healthy to Celebrate Your Divorce

The next couple of years will be like starting over again, especially if you have been married for a long time. So, whether you find yourself happy or not about the finalising of your divorce, it is healthy and important to celebrate. It means that you can finally move on with your life. Even if you aren’t interested in going back into the dating world, learning to love yourself and living life without your ex-partner is essential. Have you ever celebrated your divorce? Be sure to let us know what you did in the comments d

Photo by George Milton, John Tekeridis, cottonbro from Pexels

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