6 things everyone takes for granted when they’re younger

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Next year I’ll be forty, and while I’m not quite going to be ordering my wheelchair from Fenetic Wellbeing yet, I definitely feel like there are a heck of a lot of things that I took for granted when I was younger which I can now no longer do. I’m guessing I’m not the only one who feels this way about this! Let’s take close look at things everyone takes for granted when they’re young.

Being able to eat whatever you want whenever you want

Yup, those days are definitely long gone for me and most of us. If we’re not worried about expanding bottoms and inflated bellies, we’re worried about the myriad of ailments eating whatever you want and whenever you want brings with it. Oh how I miss those days of easy breezy face stuffing!

Having someone tell you you’re great

Okay so my six year old tells me I’m great. But I’m talking about real grown up praise for a small victory. I’d be happy with a fist bump, or a high five or anything appreciative like that thrown my way for something seemingly small that I did but I’d quite like to feel good about. Because we all love a bit of praise don’t we?

takes for granted
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Having oodles of energy

Remember when you could party until 6am? Get up in the morning and not feel tired…ever? Or do a bajillion things in one day and not even bat an eyelid? Fast forward to now and I have to leave a party wayyy before I would even worry about turning into a pumpkin at midnight. And as for the latter, that usually means I fall into bed at 9pm.

Taking naps

Oh my god naps how I love thee so. When you’re a child you can nap, when you’re a teenager you can nap, when you’re an adult you can nap, and when you become a new parent with a baby you might be able to nap. But after that, none of your small humans want to nap, and so you never EVER get to nap again. Sob!

takes for granted
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The younger you are, the less people you have making demands on your time. The older you are, the more people and things want to suck the time out of your life. Until you are left with precious little to yourself. That coupled with the fact that with every year time seems to zoom by ever faster means that time is the thing that most adults wish for the most.

Being looked after when you’re sick

Remember the days when you used to lie in bed sick all day? Someone would bring you some chicken soup and a damp cloth for your forehead. Fast forward to now and what happens when you’re sick? Nada. You have to troop on, come hell or high water. If you’re lucky enough someone might even poke you in the eye while doing so.

When it comes to the things people take for granted when they’re younger, what would be on your list? Do share in a comment below.

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