5 tips for keeping your energy up as a busy mum

Let’s face it – being a mum is a CRAZY, often tiring business. We’re racing here, we’re racing there….we’re racing EVERYWHERE! Sometimes it’s a mystery how we are able to keep our energy up as a busy mum. Thankfully there are a few things we can do to help us on our mission to survive the day, and so here are my top tips for keeping your energy up as a busy mum.

Get a good night’s sleep

This might sound like a no brainer, and as a sleep struggler I know it’s easier said than done –  but a decent night’s sleep is vital for keeping your energy up as a mum. If you’re dealing with nightwakings from your kids (argh!), then of course this makes things all the more challenging however across the board there are some things you can do to help encourage a good night’s sleep:

  • Avoid caffeine after 3pm – caffeine can lurk in your system for up to 12 – 14 hours – eek! – making it difficult to get to sleep. Just don’t do it.
  • Try to get into bed an hour before your sleep time if possible (I know, easier said than done but it’s all about the reverse lie-in these days!). This will give you plenty of time to wind down and settle your manic brain, ready for sleep. Don’t be tempted to look at your phone during this time as it’s been shown to delay your sleep by an hour – switch it onto Airplane Mode and avoid that sleep disturbing blue light and screen flickering, and be done with it until the morning or else face the wrath of its stimulus and sleep disturbing ways. Don’t be tempted to watch TV in bed…feel good books or mindless magazines are what you need at this time of day.
  • Go to bed at a regular time so your body gets used to a pattern and have some sleep friendly rituals like 7-11 breathing, or even yoga in your bed (yes, really!).

2. Eat right

You know what they say, you are what you eat – although you may be tempted to comfort eat on carbs throughout the day, this is a one way ticket to an energy crash! Instead, try to fuel your body on whole-grain, low-glycemic carbohydrates which take longer to digest, some examples of which can be found here.

When it comes to avoiding having a melted mum brain, some foods are golden for  brain power. Tumeric, salmon and broccoli are all winners on this front. I also love to tuck into Deliciously Ella’s Energy Balls for a healthy snack that keeps you powered up and exciting news! – we have some to give away below!!!

3. Have a pick me up

You know you’re flagging and you know you need a pick me up – but what? At these times, my absolute go-to is Bach Rescue Plus. These effervescent tablets with vitamins, minerals and flower essences have saved me on numerous occasion.

Containing Vitamin B12, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and magnesium contribute, they aid in the release of energy from food and reduction of tiredness, and the zinc which they also include supports normal cognitive function.

Ratherdelicious and a serious ally in keeping me going even on the most hectic days, feeling energised and full of vitality – I literally don’t know where I would be without this (probably in bed!).

 4. Stay hydrated

One of the first signs of being dehydrated is feeling tired, so if you’re not drinking enough water throughout the day – and the current recommendation is about 9 cups of fluid a day – then you’re going to struggle on the energy front. If you find it difficult to find the time to even grab a glass of water, ensure you’ve always got a big old water bottle within arm’s reach that you can dip into and fill up throughout the day.

5. Exercise

OK, I know this is once again easier said than done because as busy mums finding the time to exercise is tough beyond belief, and then there’s the challenge of finding the inclination too; but carving out just ten minutes if you can two or three times a week will really help boost your energy levels because exercise pumps oxygen and nutrients throughout your body, helping it to work more efficiently. I recommend getting started with one of these super quick at home work outs.

Do you have troubles keeping your energy levels up as a mum? Have you tried any of the above tips? Do leave a comment and let me know!

*This is a collaborative post 

Image credit: Designed by Freepik


  1. Bach, Rescue remedy really helped me when I first started struggling with panic attacks. – this looks really good.
    I struggle with turning off at night. I have started putting down my phone but me & hubby tend to put on a sitcom that we’ve already seen. Like Miranda. Something we don’t need to watch.

  2. Useful tips! I’m really bad at getting to bed early. Must do that, but there’s always something to do blogging-wise 😉

  3. I don’t have kids but really need an energy boost. Agree to all your suggestions, sleep, healthy food and exercising definitely can make a difference. I am very keen to try Bach Rescue Plus

  4. It’s so hard, isn’t it? I know I should go to bed earlier and love reading in bed, but instead find myself flicking through Facebook! Good advice – thank you for sharing it. Alison x #coolmumclub

  5. I’m terrible for checking my phone in bed, what on earth do i think is going to have happened that i need to see right then?

    tea all night too!

    great tips. #coolmumclub

  6. Currently downing a can of redbull in work after a crap nights sleep with my Daughter. Probably one of the worst things I could doto keep my energy levels up. An early night is in order! #coolmumclub

  7. I so need to find some energy from somewhere! I guess being 9months pregnant with a 3 year old I can’t be expected to be full of energy really can I?! I love the idea of the reverse lie in, I need to give that a try as I have no chance of an actual lie in any time soon.xx #coolmumclub

  8. I’m so bad for looking at my phone once I get into bed – there’s just always that urge and need to not ‘waste’ a single minute. But I really do need to pick up a book instead. That’s crazy that caffeine stays in your system for that long. I usually have a final cup of tea before bed too, so I’m probably doing everything wrong! Must try harder xx #coolmumclub

  9. I am loving the idea of Bach Rescue Plus! I’m definitely going to try this out, and I plan to try one of the quick work outs this evening too! I definitely need to get my backside into gear! Thanks for sharing x

  10. It is so hard to keep your energy up as a mother. I am up every day around 5.30 am and work most nights until 11pm or later. I do find breathing techniques before bed really help me to fall asleep and I have completely stopped drinking any caffeine and tat helps too! Great tips! #CoolMumClub

  11. No.4!! I find it a constant struggle and rely on squash to get it down me. I love the idea of the Bach tablets – I remember taking the drops years ago – I specifically remember using them to calm my nerves before a date with a certain Mr who’s now lucky enough to call himself my husband and father of my kids! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I was in H&B this morning too, wish I’d read this earlier! Will check in Tesco tomorrow x

  12. So pleased you all found these tips helpful – and hope that they all help you to get a bit more zing to get your through your days! xx

  13. I am so with you on all of these! Especially the exercise. Nothing makes me feel better than exercise. Which I am missing out on this week but pacing the floor is exercise right? Thanks so much for hostessing #coolmumclub and I apologize for this being so late. I will be taking a little hiatus for awhile to deal with my personal life. But I shall return.

  14. I really struggle with my energy levels, I find though if I get more sleep and eat more healthy I feel loads better.

  15. I struggle from time to time with energy levels, but find keep hydrated and getting a good nights sleeps helps me most to carry on through they day

  16. Doing my best to eat well at the moment (eating more healthily than I have for years), as I’m trying to lose weight, but suspect that my reduction in calories is impacting on my energy, as I’m permanently tired.

  17. I need to find some energy from somewhere. Since being off work due to injuries from a fall I have little or no energy for anything

  18. My problem is waking in the night and not being able get back to sleep, goign to try the breathing tips as sound really useful

  19. I’m getting better at earlier nights. Sleep is so important but I do wish I could get better at exercising regularly.

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