Want to hold on to your fitness intentions this year? Read this

So it’s the new year and you’re feeling all pumped with promises to yourself with your fitness intentions for the year ahead. You will notice here that I am using the word intentions – not goals – because actually, I think goals can make us feel totally stressed out and set us up for failure. And we don’t need that getting in the way of us and actually getting the fitness balance right this year.

A word can really make all the difference, because how likely are we to keep to something that we feel we won’t be able to achieve? And so with that said, here are my tips for keeping your fitness intentions this year:

Be realistic

As a busy mum, I know there is no point me promising that I’m going do four thirty minute workout sessions a week – that just ain’t going to happen. And what is realistic for one person is not realistic for another person. For me, my intention is simply to do some form of exercise most days of the week.

Yes I know this might sound woolly but actually, it makes me far more likely to do it than having ridiculous intentions which I know will never see the light of day. So this might be walking a little more each day, doing some press ups during my daughters bath time (yes really, and she finds it very amusing too!), perhaps a couple of 10 minute HIIT videos off You Tube once the house if child free, or a 10 minute yoga flow when I can fit it in. You have to take it where you can get it.

Take it one day at a time

Lets face it, when you think about fitting in fitness in the span of a week, the prospect can feel pretty daunting. So instead take a day by day approach depending on what has happened that day, your energy levels, and what your body needs or can do.


Yes enjoyment and fitness can go together believe it or not!  This might come in the form of having some awesome workout clothes like those lovely threads by Fabletics that you love to wear for your fitness sessions; or it might mean choosing an exercise you really love to do rather than what you think you should do.

There is so much choice out there and so if dancing is what you love to do, do a dance based-exercise, if you feel like punching the stresses of the week out, choose a boxing-based exercise and so on. Again, You Tube is your best friend on this one.  I am also a big fan of doing Yoga workouts where they have been filmed against beautiful backdrops on beaches and snow-laden mountains which help to transport you to another world, and I love Boho Beautiful on You Tube who really know how to soften the blow of exercising in this way!

Make it interesting

Don’t feel you have to stick to the same type of fitness all the time – mix it up. It can be yoga one day, pilates the next, Zumba the other, and a brisk walk in the park on another day. Remember variety is the spice of life….and fitness too!

Tell someone

Being accountable to somebody with our fitness intentions can make all the difference. So tell a friend and a family member what your intentions are and make yourself accountable to them.

Buddy up

If you have a workout buddy to help you realise your intentions, then all the more better. Find a friend or workout group who also has similar fitness intentions as you and do it together.

Know there will be bad days

Our bodies and energy levels are different every day. There will be days when you feel like you really have to force yourself to exercise. When you really have to drag yourself through. Perhaps you are sick, have had a nightmare day, or it’s your time of the month. Just know that these are only temporary and don’t give it up!

What are your fitness intentions for the year ahead? And what do you think of these tips to help you keep them? Do share in a comment below.

Picture credit: Designed by Freepik


  1. Like you said, I definitely think setting realistic fitness goals is the key to maintaining them rather than aiming to workout more than is feasibly possible!

  2. These are great tips! Definitely make it interesting works for me – I’ve done my first 15k run this weekend (well proud of myself, commented on like 5 blogs already saying that haha yeah sorry!) but the point is that I absolutely hate running and can only do it in really nice places – so we went to this gorgeous reserve and we run there and it was the best! x

  3. I agree, a ten minutes work-out will do. The best thing I guess is to set up a goal and check it from time to time to remind you of that goal.

  4. I’m trying to be fit this year and have a healthy lifestyle but I don’t have a time go to the gym or have some exercise. I am a full time mom and a work from home mom, Thanks for this good motivation

  5. I definitely prefer ‘intentions’ rather than ‘goals’, I totally beat myself up if I miss a goal.

  6. So true, if you’re not realistic you’ve lost it already and when it comes to doing it day to day you must enjoy it otherwise it’s extra stress and a chore so you’ll never keep it up!

  7. Mine are to continue to walk in the countryside every day. It is making a real difference to my fitness

  8. I haven’t even thought about fitness yet, but will probably do as I always do which is walk everywhere.

  9. This blog looks at exactly the things I feel are important in fitness, I think fitness comes from inside, you have to get into the right frame of mind to get fit, as a busy mum I thought I needed to get to fit and healthy for my children, but my goals were unrealistic. I love the way this blog concentrates on realistic goals with the buddy idea is a great way to motivate each others, especially as a mum

  10. I’ve never been a sporty person and anything that looks like sport turns me right off! I stay active by walking everywhere, doing a bit of yoga and going to the park as often as possible.

  11. This year i intend to lose weight and excercise more, ive joined a new fitness class called boogie bounce and i will be starting to run again next week.

  12. I think getting someone else on board to get fit with definitely encourages you to continue when things get hard.

  13. If you can get a friend who wants to do it all with you it really helps, specially if you get competative about it.

  14. I definitely thing you have to take on day at a time and not worry if you miss a day. I’ve had more time off that I would have wanted over Xmas but I know I’ve done something so better than nothing!!

  15. After losing 5 stone in the past 2 years my new years resolution is to lose another stone these are some fantastic tips my top two are buddying up, exercising is way more fun when you can be witth friend to suppprt and challenge you. And mix it up doing the some exercising gets tedius, go swimming one day, the next go to the gym and the next hit the local park for tennis x

  16. Oh yes there really is no point promising myself that I’m going do four to five workout sessions a week. Let’s face it that just won’t happen. For me, my goals for new year are to simply exercise most days of the week.

  17. I want to get a regular routine going, making sure I’m doing something a couple of times a week, whatever form of exercise that might take!

  18. I totally agree with this. I joined the gym last year but only to do the Pilates sessions there twice a week. I will occasionally nip into the gym part first for a power walk on the treadmill but that is only if I want to. I do the odd yoga with Adrienne on YouTube as well. I tried the whole promise to exercise daily just didn’t work and then I felt like a failure. I feel much better doing what I do now.

  19. Long dog walks really help and i enjoy the nature so much, and running up and down the stairs is good stuff too…..

  20. My friend and I will be supporting each other with our fitness goals of losing weight, toning up and getting our fitness levels up!

  21. This year I plan to stick to my realistic fitness goals. I intend to continue my daily walks and yoga exercise classes. As well as eating a healthy and balanced diet to help me lose some more weight and to generally keep fit.

  22. I go to the gym 5 days a week already, but I want to make sure I push myself so I can feel self-confident in my own body!

  23. After a long bout of ill health I’m trying to eat healthily and walk as much as possible and hopefully improve my health and fitness

  24. I’m not putting to much pressure on myself as I’m only 11 days post partum but I would like to lose some baby weight over 2020

  25. Ive bought myself a trampette to try and help get fitter and also I have been going on my bike more than I did the whole of last year!

  26. I intend to do a lot more challenging walks , and to not use the bus, when I can easily walk the distance 🙂

  27. Mine is to increase my steps and keep active – so far I am doing well I think. It would be good to monitor things properly though with this smartwatch 🙂

  28. I am trying to lose weight & get fitter by walking as much as I can but find it hard to keep to when the weather is so bad, hopefully improve in the Spring!

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