Feel like a better mum with this….

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We all have those days…those days when we lose our rag, mess up, forget things, shout, cry, think we are a bad mum and generally feel like we can’t do this anymore. I certainly know because I have had enough of them in my seven years of motherhood. I so desperately wanted to feel like a better mum so many times over – but back then felt trapped in a tumbling spiral of negativity.

Motherhood can be so hard!

And that is precisely why I first sat down to write the very first blog post at Motherhood: The Real Deal. Truth be told, it was out of sheer desperation – a need to understand why I wasn’t enjoying every minute of motherhood. WHY was my child screaming all the time? WHY did everybody else seem like they had everything together when I felt like a was falling apart at the seams.

Helping mums feel better about themselves

From that point on over five years ago, I have been on a mission to help mums feel better about themselves – whether that be to not beat themselves up about the bad day they have, helping them understand the issues they may be facing in their parenting, or taking better care of themselves.

That’s why I’m delighted to reveal our new FREE audio guides at Motherhood: The Real. Harnessing the incredibly transformative power of positive affirmations, our guides are there to help you break out of whatever cycle of negativity you may have tumbled down into, or perhaps stop you from getting there in the first place that day or week. Ultimately, they will help you feel like a better mum.

The power of positive affirmations

Whether you are feeling overwhelmed, or questioning your parenting instincts, they help you to start taking charge of your thoughts by changing your pattern of thinking negative to positive. The reason why this is so powerful is that we are essentially our thoughts, and if we change our thoughts, we can improve our reality. I only wish I had known about the incredibly powerful impact of positive affirmations when I was in my early stages of motherhood!

So today my lovely readers, I want to share with you our free audio guides and affirmations. Whether you are at the baby, toddler, early years, pre-teen or teen years, the affirmations in these guides will help you reprogramme your mind through repetition, and eventually, you will believe them, and feel like a better mum – the mum that you truly are.

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The science behind affirmations

According to this article, a study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience revealed what goes on in our brains when we practise affirmations regularly. The researchers used MRI to find that practising self-affirmation activates the reward centres–ventral striatum (VS) and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) in the brain. To make it simple, these areas are the same reward centres that respond to other pleasurable experiences, such as eating your favourite dish or winning a prize.

The lead researcher, Christopher Cascio said, “Many studies have shown that these circuits can do things like dampen pain and help us maintain balance in the face of threats.”

So what does this all mean? The upshot is that listening to affirmations helps to activate the areas of the brain that makes you feel happy and positive.  

So why not download our our new audio guides today. They are totally free and one click away. Our little gift to everyone that wants to feel like a better mum who needs a bit of hope and positivity in their life right now – enjoy!

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Grab you free personalised audio guides here

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  1. These sound helpful! For me, personally, if I’m having a bad day I just stuff my face with chocolate and remind myself that perfection is dull and so long as my kids are alive and healthy, that’s enough.

  2. I believe that affirmations can make a huge difference in our lives. It can drown out the negative language that we use on ourselves. Parenting is so hard.

  3. This article came right when I needed it! I am struggling with thinking I am a good mom at times. Covid is really making it hard. I don’t know how to be a school teacher. I don’t know how to do the new Math. I get aggravated and discouraged. Good thing is I know down deep I do a good job but it really weighs on me sometimes.

  4. Parenting is hard and being a mom is never easy. I always make sure that my wife gets all the help she needs while taking care of our little ones. Thank you for sharing these tips.

  5. Positive affirmations work always in my family! It’s important to believe in positive things and everything will be alright! 🙂

  6. Being a mother is the most hardest, selfless and worth it job in the world and positive affirmation will really helps us to be more motivated in doing our duty as a mother to our children.

  7. As my kids get older they are way more aware of my moods and I can tell how much it effects them. I am trying to work to be positive so they feel that energy.

  8. I wish I had something like this when my kids were young! I’m sharing this with all the moms of young kids that I know.

  9. I’m not a parent but I really admire those moms and dads who are managing work & life so beautifully. I’m sure this free audio resource will be great for parents.

  10. Parenting is hard, we need to make sure we tell our friends that are moms that they are doing a good job, it is important to know that they are appreciated

  11. Yes being mom is difficult, nowadays it is more difficult as it has more challenges, with online teaching, in person learning etc. Still I am proud of being a mom and doing whatever I can.

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