Great tips and tricks for finding time to clean with a baby

 finding time to clean with a baby
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Being a first-time parent is challenging. How do you keep your home clean while caring for a new baby?Keeping up with the housekeeping and finding time to clean with a baby may seem overwhelming.

Don’t worry, Mom; Your Baby Club is here to help you get the housekeeping done with these tips and tricks for finding time to clean with a baby.

Tips and tricks for finding time to clean with a baby

Deep cleaning before your new baby arrives

Before your baby’s arrival, set to work cleaning your house from top to bottom.

It is also a great time to clean and arrange your baby clothes and other baby goods, ensuring that everything is in place.

Create a cleaning caddy

Having a cleaning kit on hand at all times can save you a lot of time and stress. Make sure that all of the items in your kit are environmentally safe and non-toxic, disposing of all harsh chemicals.

You should have dish soap on hand to clean the pacifiers and baby bottles.

You should also keep an all-purpose cleaner on hand that you can wipe counters, your baby’s high chair, and changing table.

Another essential item is laundry detergent. you’d be surprised how much laundry a newborn can generate.

Bottles tend to smell, simply add warm water and white vinegar to the bottle for a fast cure. Put everything in the dishwasher on the hot wash cycle, and the smell will be gone in no time.

Also, stock up on household cleaners since you’ll be using them often.

Use your baby monitor

With a good monitor, you can keep an eye on your sleeping baby while doing other things around the home.

Any movements or sounds your infant makes can be recorded remotely from the monitor, providing you peace of mind.

Use a baby carrier

Baby carriers are a terrific way to keep your newborn baby near while being able to move about.

Slings or carriers are excellent for minor cleaning, washing, and even vacuuming.

Chores that require spraying chemicals or placing your infant in danger, on the other hand, should be avoided.

Establish a cleaning routine

Having a regular cleaning schedule can help you retain structure in your week and prevent household chores from becoming overwhelming.

Break up the days of the week to accomplish various tasks like folding the laundry, doing the shopping and so on.

It also relieves the self-imposed obligation to keep a messy house pristine while caring for a baby.

finding time to clean with a baby
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Set a timer

You’d be surprised how much you can get done in 15 minutes. Set a timer for yourself and stay focused. In that time, try to get as much done as possible. A timer transforms housework into a race against the clock.

Enlist the help of the whole family

Older kids can assist with a few cleaning tasks such as putting out the trash or washing dishes.

You can reduce clutter by designating areas for older children to play with their baby toys, such as their room or a playroom, or by providing them with their own small basket to assist them in putting things away at the end of the day.

Hire help

Instead of stressing about getting all the housework done, ask for help or hire a cleaning service to help keep your house clean.

Ask a family member to help while you run a few errands, and you can return home to a clean house.

In the End

Letting friends and family pitch in to help keep your house tidy is always helpful to any new mom. While baby naps, try multi-tasking then get some much-needed rest.

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