Why three year olds can be the worst (and the best)

Did someone say the tyrannical threes? If you’re reading this with a three year old knocking around at home you will know that three year olds can be the worst, yes three year olds can be mean, and that they really to act out. But then, there are times when they are utterly adorable too. So here’s a list of ten things you can expect from a three year old, and why three year olds can be the worst, and also the best.

1. They can have the mother of all tantrums

So you thought the tantrums would be over with after the terrible twos. Hell no! Although the tantrums will happen less frequently when they do my god! they are NEXT LEVEL. You will literally want to run for the hills when you see one of these. Some words to describe these: Armageddon and hell hath no fury.

2. They can be seriously moody

Will you look on the face on that! A thought that pops into my head a number of times a day with my three year old. Serious sulks, huffs, puffs, square mouths and general EFF YOU faces abound.

3. But then also hugely affectionate

On the flip side, three year olds can be the most fuzzy bundle of love, akin to a kissing and hugging machine that has no off button. Confusing for you after you have just been scarred by no. 1. But thankfully for us, they are also capable at of showing some empathy when we need it – well, at least, at times that is.

4. They are capable of lying

Oh yes, my friends, these little folk most certainly are. It may just start out with a harmless lie about not washing their hands after going to the toilet, or even about whether they actually went to the toilet in the first place…but you know, from small seeds big things grow!

5. They basically don’t listen

La da da da da I’m totally lost in my own world of imagination, Paw Patrol, my new best friend, whatever random thing I have latched on to that week. I can see your lips moving but nope, I can definitely not hear you talking -the thoughts of a three year old near you. Repeat that for the upteenth time and it might just register (if you’re lucky).

6. They have some incredible chat

Honestly, some of the things three year olds come out with! Sharp, incisive, humorous…and quite frankly, far better conversation than I have with most adults!

7. They are still pretty angry

Yes, three year olds might have got a whole new level of skill and aptitude going on but when those skills and aptitude fail them…holy moly…the anger…the frustration…three year olds really know hot to punish themselves, and you as part of that, when things don’t go their way.

8. They start getting anxious all over again

Remember when the twos were all about separation anxiety at the thought of you not being there. Well, why you may be able to take a pee once in a while now without a small person glued to you, the anxiety has now swollen to engulf a whole array of other fears – namely monsters, darkness, shadows, cobwebs….and the like.

9. They will continue to push your boundaries

Yup, believe it or now – your three year old wants, and not just that – needs boundaries, and so will continue to push you to the brink just so they know they’re safe (and who’s really the boss…ummmm….you!).

10. This is why they say the 3s can be worse than the 2s

Well, for sure there can be a lot of hair-greying moments in the threes, but for me, it’s all relative. If you had a doddle of a twos, yup, the threes are going to look pretty hellish. If you had an epic nightmare of a twos, well mama, at least you’re no stranger to all this eh?

Does the above sound familiar if you have a three year old knocking about at home? Or perhaps you have a two year old and wondering what the threes hold? Do share a comment below.

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  1. I have a 2 year old that tgrows major tantrums when he doesn’t get his own way. I keep hearing that at 3 they get worse so looks like I have all this to come.

  2. I don’t have children but I work with women who do, one of whom has a three year old who sounds like a right little monster! I sympathise!

  3. Haha yep! We’ve had two years of having a three year old and with Harry turning three in May, another year still to come!! Agghhhh!! I do love three though, it was slightly easier than two! xx

  4. I’ve got all of this to come, my daughter turns 3 at the end of February. And we’ve got off quite lightly so far I think, I can’t say the twos have been all that terrible, so I do wonder if that means she’s just saving it all up for when she’s 3! x

  5. My niece is going to turn three this year so I guess my sis has that to look forward to… haha. Can I compare my puppy to a three year old? Because he’s getting very moody lately and then affectionate all of a sudden haha.

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