What’s the right age to start music lessons?

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People from all age groups take music lessons. But what’s the right age to start music lessons? Perhaps surprisingly, toddlers to elderly people are eligible to take music lessons. Studies have shown that learning music is quite beneficial for our overall development so it’s no wonder many parents invest their money and time encouraging their children to learn music.

Learning music enhances qualities like self-esteem, creativity, confidence, discipline, etc in children and also increases hand-eye coordination. Studies have shown that the brain of children taking music lessons is more developed as compared to those who are not leaning music or instrument.

One of the most common questions that concern parents are “What is the right age to start music lessons.” Well, the truth is you can learn music at any age. However, the earlier you start, the better it will be.  Music has its language. Hence, when children learn to play any instrument, they learn a new language. As we all know, learning a new language is quite easier in the early ages of life.

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Benefits of early study:

Helps children express themselves and their emotions

Learning and making music with other children improves emotional and social skills in kids. Children need to work together to create a music piece. They not only learn to work in a team but also develop a sense of understanding towards other children from their music class group. Studies have shown that children who learn music with other children can understand and value other’s emotions in a better way as compared to kids who are not involved in any such group activities.

Develops creativity

Music is all about creativity. Every new music piece created by your child is the result of his/her creativity. Music develops creativity in children, and this quality, once inculcates, can be life long benefits. Children taking music lessons use their innovative ideas and creativity to learn and play new music. Most employers look for employees who have the capability and creativity to develop new and innovative ideas.

Increases communication skills

As discussed earlier, group music sessions require children to interact with each other to create and play music as a group. This enhances their communication skills. In addition to this, music act as an influential tool for learning new words, hence enhancing vocabulary. While learning any new song, your child has to repeat it several times. This way, they learn new words that they can use in different ways of communication like writing, verbal interaction, singing, etc.

Music is far above the age criteria. Anyone keen to take “music lessons” or “guitar lessons” or “piano lessons” can take these sessions irrespective of age. Every child has his/her strengths and weaknesses. Some children can learn to play an instrument at an age, as early as, 3 years, whereas some might be more comfortable at the age of 5 or above. Before starting music lessons for your child, you need to check whether they are ready or not. Some of the common requirements for readiness are discussed below. These readiness checks for almost all kinds of instrument lessons.

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The requirements for readiness:

 Size of hand

Can your child hold the guitar in his/her hands? Can your kid place fingers on 5 in-line white keys of the piano? Before starting with the instrument, lessons, check whether your child’s hands are big enough to hold or play the instrument. If not, then it’s advisable to wait for a few more months.

Finger independence

This check is a must if your child is interested in taking piano lessons. It is quite a simple and easy test. Ask your child to wiggle their hand. Then ask them to wiggle any particular finger. Check if they can do it or not. For learning piano, they need to be able to move all the fingers individually.

In case your child is not able to move an individual finger, no need to get disheartened. With some extra effort, you can prepare them for piano lessons. Make your child practice finger independence. You can make this wiggling a fun activity by adding some fun elements to it.

Interest in music and desire to Learn

The most important readiness check is to check whether your child is interested in taking music lessons or not. Learning any instrument takes time. Hence, having a desire to learn is very important. If your child is keen on learning music, he/she will make the extra effort to fight difficulties and hurdles that come along in their learning journey. If your child is too young and you want to check whether they are interested in music or not, you can look for signs like whether they enjoy music or not.

The best age to start music lessons by instrument:

Generally, 5 years of age is considered as an ideal age for taking music lessons. At this age children are grown up enough to be able to sit and concentrate on their music sessions. However, if your 3 or 4 year loves and enjoy music and is keen to learn music, there is no harm in trying.

    – Piano: 4-5

    – Guitar: 7-9

    – Drums: 7 and Up

    – Saxophone: 7-8

    – Flute: 7-8

    – Clarinet: 7-8

    – Violin: 4-5

    – Cello: 7-9

    – Trumpet: 8-10

    – Bass Guitar: 9-10


History is full of exceptional young musicians but every child is different. Try to understand what catches your child’s attention as far as music is concerned. It’s better to start a music class for an instrument that your kid wants to learn. This would act as a self-motivating factor for them. Try to make music a part of your kid’s everyday life as it would enhance their emotional, social, academic, and communication skills as well as their overall mental and physical development.

Author bio

Curtis Dean writes on behalf of Sage Music School where they base lessons on the science and research of the psychology of learning. Their effective teaching methods create confident and capable students who enjoy the happiness of making music. Connect via Facebook, Twitter and Linked In.

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