5 ways to change up your style

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A new year and a new you? It could be. How about your style? Have you been feeling like you want to change up your style? Do you want to put yourself out there in a unique and trendy way? Here are a few ways you can change up your style:

5 ways to change up your style

Add some animal print

For years, animal print was considered a bit out-of-the-box in terms of style—and maybe not in the best way. However, in recent years, it’s started to pick up in popularity, with people wearing it in almost every type of clothing piece. Honestly, our personal favorite for those who are a bit too scared to go all-in with this type of print is to use animal flats or boots.

Subtle enough that they won’t make you feel like you stepped out of a zoo but bold enough to add some flair to your outfit, animal print shoes are a great way to do something new in your style.

Use your favorite colour

Do you have a favorite colour? Maybe you reserve it for items in your home or your car colour. How about adding pieces of this color to your outfits? It could be a scarf that you wear in the winter months or a lovely set of earrings that make you feel amazing every time you wear them.

We don’t care what colour it is, from yellow to bright red; we’re all about those bold pieces that make you feel yourself. Your favorite colour probably makes you feel good, so wearing it more often on a cool T-shirt or even just a necklace can be a mood enhancer.

Try new hairstyles or accessories

If you’ve always been straightforward with your hairpieces, consider doing something new with your hair. Try putting your hair in a pony or wearing it down with a claw. From headbands to hats, there are so many accessories that can help you stand out without worrying about your clothes. This could even look like a new haircut for the new year.

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Wear statement pieces

Whether it’s your favorite gold watch, a necklace, or a ring you always have on, people who are known for their style usually wear a statement piece. So, wear something that is unique to you and who you are.

If you’re having a hard time thinking about what your statement piece could be, it’s typically something that stands out because it’s eye-catching and one-of-a-kind.

Don’t limit yourself

Sometimes we think that a certain style may not work for us, but the truth is that you will never know until you try. Whether it’s high-waisted pants or crop tops, why not give something you normally wouldn’t wear a chance. It may be the perfect style for you that becomes your new statement piece.

Whether you’re limiting yourself because of body dysmorphia or because society has said that only certain types of people can wear a specific style, do your best to push those voices away and don’t limit your beauty and style. If it calls to you, give it a shot. You could look and feel incredible in it. If you need some help, consider working with a professional stylist to get you looking fab in anything you want.

In Conclusion

It’s the perfect time to change up your style and fall back in love with your wardrobe. Don’t be afraid to change your style, whether you want to start wearing bright colours or dangling earrings. Whatever your favorite clothes or colours may be, wear them! Revamp your closet by incorporating pieces you were always afraid of trying. Trust us; it can really help your self-confidence and make you feel unstoppable!

Background photo created by lookstudio – www.freepik.com

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