Always forgetting things? Here’s how to tackle mum brain

Always forgetting things
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Hands up who out there suffers with mum brain? Are you always forgetting things?

It’s a running joke in our family – I am forever searching for my glasses, keys, phone. I honestly have no recollection of where I have ever put them. I constantly forget things, dates, people! Well, I always thought that mum brain would eventually disappear. Yet here I am almost six years on still chasing my tail because I’m forever forgetting things. It feels like my memory is absolutely shocking!

You are not alone

But guess what? When it comes to always forgetting things, you and I are not alone. Are you one of those people who walk into a room and wonder why on earth you are there? Well then you’re in good company because two thirds of Brits also do!

New research by Efamol which manufactures a range of food supplements including Efamol Brain Active Memory, reveals that Brits are forgetting everyday things on a regular basis.

The research revealed that two-thirds (66%) of us walk into a room and forget why we’re there between 1-3 times per week and nearly half (46%) said they go to the fridge and forget why they’ve gone 1-3 times per week.

Always forgetting things
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Always forgetting things?

As a nation it seems we need to be writing more lists due to the fact we are always forgetting things – something which I’m becoming increasingly reliant on. Do you tell yourself you don’t need to write something then completely forget it? Yup, so do 55% of us Brits.

And how are you at remembering names? If you’re anything like me, then you will be absolutely rubbish. So is 46% of our nation. I am now so scared of getting someone’s name wrong that I would rather be trapped in a soft play for 826 hours than actually dare to say their name to them.

So when you are so terrible at remembering passwords, how do you remember them then? I can’t remember how many times I have to reset my passwords….I’m probably worse than the 35% of people who have to reset their passwords at least once a month because I know I am far above that.

Always forgetting things
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What steps can you take?

When we are all hurtling through life with our brains halfway out of our ears, what can we do to address this collective memory calamity?

Efamol Wellbeing Expert, Jayne Wilson comments, “There are several lifestyle changes that can help us to slow down and feel less overloaded on a day-to-day basis. These include:

  • taking time out to stay calm and focus on wellbeing
  • having a brisk walk
  • practising a little meditation is a good idea
  • make sure that your body is well nourished, for example with omega-3 fat, DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid – found in oily fish), to help keep your brain healthy and foods rich in B12 (found in good quality meat, fish, eggs and cheese) and Folic Acid (found in peas, chickpeas, broccoli, dark green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals) that help reduce tiredness and fatigue.”
Always forgetting things
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You may want to supplement your diet to give you peace of mind, so why not try a food supplement such as Efamol® Brain Active Memory?From the Essential Fatty Acid experts, Efamol® Brain Active Memory contains a carefully selected high strength fish oil that is especially rich in DHA, the most abundant Omega-3 fatty acid in the brain.

Each capsule contains a full 250mg of omega-3 DHA, the level which contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function plus Vitamin B12, Folic Acid and Phosphatidylserine. This unique formulation also includes Ginkgo Biloba which may help maintain working memory.

I have just started taking Efamol® Brain Active Memory which I am hoping will keep my brain functioning at its best, as it contains a fish oil that is rich in DHA because…oh hello, what am I doing here again? Oh yes, that’s right, I’m trying to tell you about some small steps that you can consider to support your brain and keep your memory working.

Efamol Brain Active Memory, RRP £10.99, is available from, Amazon, Boots the Chemists, health food stores and independent pharmacies. And here’s your chance to win a three month supply.

*Win a three month supply of
Efamol® Brain Active Memory on our giveaway page*

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Good luck to everyone entering!

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*This is a commissioned post


  1. Baby brain is definitely a real thing and I think there is some really useful information in this article about it

  2. Great info! Baby brain is still here 16 months later and doesn’t seem like it’s ready to go yet!

  3. I have severe Fibromyalgia and Lupus, so I have what is known as Fibro-fog. My memory is so poor that I have notes and post its everywhere and apps on my phone with reminders, and even then I still sometimes forget.

  4. I had quite an early and unexpected menapause and my memory seemed to be shot from that ! I seem to gel with my Parsons Terrier who at the age of 12 seems to be going through the same thing- we often stand side by side in the living room looking aimlessly around the room, thinking why did I come in here???

  5. Sounds like so many of us are battling with some form of brain fog and memory issues – I have to say that I have been a lot more on the ball since taking these! X

  6. I’m always misplacing my keys or my phone – I now have a set place I put my work keys when I get in!

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