#Pyjamarama! The importance of reading a bedtime story with your child

reading a bedtime story
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Do you read a bedtime story with your child every night? If the answer is yes, then hats off to you! As apparently, we are a dying breed. New research out from the BookTrust tells us why. Apparently a quarter of UK parents use tech such as home assistants to give bedtime stories. 65% give children time on smartphones, YouTube, tablets and TV before sleeping.

Sob! That seems like a very sad state affairs to me.

A book can change the world

The benefits of reading a bedtime story with your child are well documented. Not only is it a lovely way for you both to wind down at the end of a busy day, it’s also an important bonding time. Moreover, reading a book together every day helps to build a child’s language, resilience, confidence and imagination.

Figures show that while half of UK parents (49%) aim to share a story with their child every night, just over a quarter (28%) manage to do so. A third (31%) say work or commuting stops them getting home in time, while one in five (20%) simply feel “too busy”.

I know we are all tired, busy and totally frazzled at the end of the day. But surely, just surely we can eek out another ten minutes of our time, energy and attention and direct it to reading a bedtime story can’t we? If we are stuck on a commute home – well that’s one thing. But if we are there in the same space, then to me – it’s a no-brainer.

Between the pages

I have to be honest there are so many times that I feel like flopping into bed with my daughter I am so utterly exhausted at the end of the day. I may feel that reading a bedtime story is the last thing in the world that I want to do. Especially on the days when my reactive hypoglycemia is not under control. But do you know what I do? I pull out a book and lie down on her bed with her, and read. If you really can’t face reading, have them read to you! Or take turns. There are so many ways around it.

And that’s why I’m backing BookTrust’s Pyjamarama. The campaign calls on parents to ditch tech and rediscover the bedtime story on Friday 7th June by celebrating Pyjamarama, a nationwide fundraising campaign.

reading a bedtime story
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Pyjamas at the ready!

Have you ever dreamt of rocking up at the school gate in pyjamas on a frenzied school run? Well then, you’re going to love this one!

Pyjamarama is asking that we wear our pyjamas all day on Friday 7th June,
donate £1, and celebrate the bedtime story in any way they like. All funds raised will go towards helping help BookTrust ensure that every child experiences the life changing benefits of access to books and reading.

Bestselling Horrid Henry author Francesca Simon, who is also backing the campaign puts it so well: “Reading a bedtime story together is one of the best experiences a child and parent can share, and something tech cannot replace. The many evenings I spent immersed in books with my son, Joshua, until he was 11, not only inspired me to become a children’s author, but are also some of our best shared memories and gave my son the confidence, curiosity and thirst for learning that has set him up for life”.

Now how can anyone argue with that?

So parents, go forth and ditch the tech, stick on your PJs, donate a quid pay and rediscover the joy of a bedtime story. Reading a bedtime story can make all the difference, and you’re the ones who can make it.

reading a bedtime story
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Schools, nurseries, businesses and individuals can sign up for Pyjamarama fundraising packs by visiting: http://booktrust.org.uk/pyjamarama. All monies raised will go towards funding BookTrust’s work in supporting more families. For just £25, BookTrust could provide 15 pre-school children living in women’s refuge centres with their own book pack.

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  1. it helps them relax and calm down after their day and gives you a great time to bond together with them too

  2. Always read a bedtime story. They settle down and enjoy a story they fall to sleep easily

  3. I dont every night I know I should and it would benefit them but I’m knackered sometimes to be honest

  4. I read to my little girl every night I use to read to my older children as well but it’s no longer cool to read to teenagers lol

  5. That’s really sad to read. My boys are 2 and 8, and we ALWAYS read together at bedtime. We have a strict no screen time before bed rule too, as it just fires up their wee brains too much. They also get to put on an audio book too though, AFTER reading. That’s how I grew up too – first a bedtime story, then an audio book. I’m 40 now and still can’t fall asleep unless I have an audio book on. It stops my mind wandering. So I think there’s definitely room for both, but books always come first for us.

  6. Most nights it’s a good way of settling her and getting her into a routine of a set bedtime.

  7. Reading stories has always been part of our bedtime routine with my daughter, we have a new baby too and he loves to sit on my lap during story time and listen along too.

  8. We still aim to read to the younger ones most nights. I think it really helps them to wind down of an evening and it is just such a lovely thing to do.

  9. It helps my son relax as part of his bedtime routine. He gets to choose a book. I have noticed that reading a book to him improves his memory because he anticipates words and his vocabulary has expanded.

  10. I think it is essential not just important. Stories are a great way to bond after a busy day, helps with routine, and helps develop a love for reading for the years onwards.

  11. We always read a bedtime story, its that us time when all is quiet and no distractions and she can listen to the story and enjoy

  12. someone actually put up a school post on their facebook page to ask that parents did not rock up in their pjs on a school morning because it was becoming a thing!!!! apparently some parents were offended by it ! personally I wouldn’t dream of it, but each to their own I say .

  13. I am SO happy to read all these comments and discover reading a bedtime story is still a special thing for so many people because the thought that this is dying out for others makes me so sad too!

  14. My older girls loved books but my son is struggling . Slowly we are introducing books at bedtime especially from preschool x

  15. I would love to stay we read every night, but sometimes we are both just too tired. However we do try to most nights as she really does sleep so much better after calming down with a story. Plus I really think it helps develop and promote a love of reading from a young age.

  16. I love reading stories at bedtime! My little ones do too! We do one on every school night, but on some weekends, I must admit they are sometimes asleep before we get to the story!
    Busy little bees!

  17. I believe reading bedtime stories is essential. I did so with all 3 of my children and all now have a real love of books. In turn they read with their own children.

  18. When we are looking after our granddaughter we always read to her before bed. It helps her settle down for the night and it is also a great bonding experience.

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