Create a garden haven with these easy tips

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Over the past year, many of us who are lucky enough to have a garden of our own at home have probably realised just how wonderful a space it can be. A garden can be a playground, a sanctuary, and a much-needed breath of fresh air when we need to relax and unwind. Creating a garden haven is sometimes a little more challenging than you might expect at first, though, especially if you are not the most green-fingered person. However, with a bit of preparation, it is possible to create a wonderful garden haven – read on for some ideas on how.

Think of your garden as an extra room

Many people make the common mistake when it comes to designing their garden space is treating it as a patch of wildland, with no real structure or meaning. This can leave you feeling at a bit of a loss what to do and end up with a messy, unkempt outdoor area with a lacklustre lawn or overgrown plants taking over the space.

However, by thinking of your garden as another part of your home, you can extend the same kind of principles and ideas you would use for interior design on the outside, to also include elements of garden decor. To create a garden haven, you might want to consider seating areas, the best path to move around, and practical usage. By having a clear idea of these things, you can design a garden that perfectly fits your life.

Follow a theme

Just as you might when you are decorating a kitchen or lounge, having a theme in mind can help you create a much more attractive result when it comes to designing your garden haven. Of course, the main difference is that you are often relying on natural elements with your garden, which might take a few months to show up.

You might want to consider whether you want a colourful space filled with flowers, a rich, green area with plenty of shade, or a more practical garden with spaces for entertaining and relaxing. If you’re planning to put in various plants, make sure that you’ve done plenty of research about the best time to plant them, as well as learning about how to take care of them. While it can take a few weeks or even months to start seeing them bloom, the vibrant results are well worth the effort.

Create a relaxation space

While a lush, green garden can be pretty relaxing in itself, having a dedicated area to unwind in does feel quite special. A great way of doing this is by adding a special feature to relax in, such as an outdoor yoga space, or for those who love water, some hot tub supplies.

Having a hot tub does not just have to be for summer either – get inspired by Scandinavian culture and dive in on a cold winter’s day. There is nothing quite like the feeling of a warm, comforting soak beneath the open air when it is crisp and cool outside.

If you’re looking to create a garden haven we hope you found these tips useful.

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