How becoming a mum changes you

Becoming a mum changes you – it is without absolutely no shadow of a doubt. That moment when you become a mum and all those many moments thereafter that, causes an inner shift in us all. But what is interesting, is how it changes you. Becoming a mum makes some stronger, whilst others softer. It makes some less ambitious, whilst others more driven. I find this a fascinating topic, and so to help me show just how different the changes felt by mums in their outlook and make up can be, I’ve asked some fellow fab bloggers to share how they feel becoming a mum has changed them….

Some have become more relaxed…

“I feel that I have chilled a lot more and not letting things worry me . As what’s the point in worrying , I am loving the stress free life ( as stress free as it can be with a little one ) and no work responsibilities.” –  Jessica, Beauties and The Bibs  

“Since becoming a mum I’ve chilled the hell out! Last year I had Postnatal Anxiety; this year I’ve decided I want my daughter brought up surrounded by positivity. And with a lot of determination I’ve fundamentally changed. It used to be an effort, and and now it’s my new default. Our whole family is happier for it.” – Kate, The Less Refined Mind 

“I realised that my son is way more important than a job at and have never regretted staying at home to be there for every step of his journey. I have so much more empathy with my parents and the decisions they made when I was a child.” – Mary, Over 40 and Mum to One 

Whilst others more confident…

“I definitely feel more confident and self assured since becoming a mum. I have less time to worry what people think of me, and I have an awesome little buddy to hang out with! It’s also made me more confident about my body, this body has made a human! That’s pretty awesome…” – Helen, Nelly’s Cupcakes 

“Since becoming a mum I definitely think I’ve become more confident and outgoing, especially when it comes to the needs of my kids. Also have become better at juggling everything – though my memory is appalling so have to write down reminders!!! I’m probably more short tempered than I used to be but it is something I’m working on.” – Geraldine, Jog on Mum 

“Mummyhood has given me more confidence, some things I would never have done, I now do specifically for my children. I am far more sociable now, and find it easier to talk to people I don’t know. I have also grown a much thicker skin, where as somethings would have upset me before having children, I can now politely nod, smile and carry on with my day.”-  Vicki – Cake Escapes 

“Being a Mum has made me more confident and has made me push myself out of my comfort zone a lot more. Admittedly I am also more of a worrier than I use to be as well.” – Joanna, Joanna Victoria

“Being a mum has given me so much more confidence. I suffer with anxiety but they give me a reason to go out, and what’s a better conversation starter than a squishy little baby!” – Emily, Emily and Indiana 

“I’m less of a push over. I will now voice my opinions, I’m more forceful and stand up for myself. I didn’t want the person I was to influence my daughter. I want her to grow up to be a strong, confident woman. So I’m trying to lead by example.” – Eve, Little Miss and Mummy 

Some have become more emotional…

“I have become a lot more softer since becoming a mum 3 months ago. Now I seem to cry or get upset at anything on the TV about babies or young children.” Rachel – Rachel Bustin

“I am more emotional and a lot softer! I can’t keep up my strong guard as much anymore. I’ve also become less confident and do not spend any time on myself.” –  Amy – The Smallest of Things

“Being a mother has made me more emotional but in a good way. I now see the small things in life and appreciate them. And I have more respect for my parents.” – Andrea, Andrea Louise 

“I cry at EVERYTHING! I don’t know what the hormones did to me but it changed me forever lol. I also can’t imagine working a late-early or all day shift in a hotel but I used to love it. And being shouted at by people for something that’s not my fault… I could not be arsed with that any more!” – Natalie, Diary of An Unexpectant Mother 

Others have become lionesses…

“I’m a lot more protective over family! I don’t think you realise how brave and fierce you can be until you become a momma bear!!” – Deborah, Country Heart and Home   

While some are still undecided….

“I’m at an awkward stage where I swing between wallflower because I’m ‘just a mum’ and empowered confident mama. It’s a transition for sure!” – Hannah, Hi Baby Blog 

Some have become more determined…

I have changed my whole outlook on life. The children have made me want to pursue my dream career, because I want to show them they can achieve anything they want to in life. Because of them I am going to be a midwife.” – Kate, My Family Fever 

“I’m 100% stronger and more determined. Since having Max I have started a new career and done charity work I could have only dreamed about. I’ve had opportunities I would have never thought of and its all because my confidence has sky rocketed.” – Laura, Max and Mummy 

“I’m far more confident and comfortable on my own skin, I’m also more driven to do the things that I want to – such as working for myself.” – Polly, This Enchanted Pixie 

Some have loss their fashion sense or confidence…

“I have completely lost my sense of style. I have no clue how to dress anymore”. – Laura, Dear Bear and Beany  

“I’ve become much less confident when it comes to my looks and appearance but more confident with decision making and doing ‘adult’ things. I feel a lot like I’ve lost ‘me’ since.” – Polly, Rock and Roll Pussy Cat  

“I have completely lost all self confidence and have major insecurities with my body, but after suffering with PND for so long I’m finally in a place where I can start working on my body.” – Stephanie, Raising Emily 

And others couldn’t care less…

“I am definitely less self-conscious and self-obsessed as it is all about the boys now.” – Sam, 2 Little Faces 

“I care less about what other people think. I think it’s because I chose to parent the way I do and I really couldn’t care less for anyones opinions on the way I parent my son, so it’s made me care less about what people might say or think about me. Don’t get me wrong I don’t do anything crazy when it comes to parenting- nothing I think could be judged but I never stop long enough to consider it!” – Donna, The London Mum 

“I’ve developed a don’t care attitude which is both good and bad. Good because I don’t care about what people think so much. Bad because I often end up going out looking scruffy!” – Leanne, A Slice of My Life Wales 

Others have become efficient multi-taskers …

“After having twins I’ve become the master of multi tasking. I have also learned to trust my instinct and never take anything for granted as life is precious.” – Beth, Twinderelmo

While others have become scatter brains…

“I think I’ve left my brain in the delivery room! I seem to forget things I used to remember so I’m relaying more in my Google calendar, to do lists and on other people explaining things to me! A cronic case of baby brain.” – Gabriela, Life In Eight 

“I like to think that I’ve completely lost my mind. I always say having 4 kids means that they each took a quarter of my brain and that’s why I can’t remember anything any more.” – Chantelle, Mama Mummy Mum 

Some are really good at faking it…

“I’ve become quite good at seeming calm and ‘together’, when inside my head everything is running around at 1000mph. I’ve been compared to a duck on water a number of times.” – Liz, Hart of The Munchkin Patch  

“I’ve become braver… i trapped a wasp under a glass the other day to save my 3yr old – I did however scream like a baby when one tried to get in my car when my son wasn’t with me.” – Alyssa, Mum To a Momster 

Whilst others have become more patient…

“Overall I’m still the same, but I’ve become more patient. I really do have the patience of a saint with my 2 year old (most of the time). My friends have commented that motherhood has mellowed me. I was very ‘no-nonsense’ like before.” – Yinka, Vex In The City

“I’ve found that I’m a lot more patient, and I value the little things in life more. I think I’ve developed a better understanding of myself too, seeing the way I act reflected in my children.” – Lauren, Mummy Is A Gadget Geek

Some have become more grateful…

Becoming a parent has made me appreciate the little things in life. I have become less materialistic and focus more on moments than things.” – Carla,  Random Thoughts of a Twenty Something 

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Others have become less proud..

“I’ve become much more willing to ask for help and admit that I’m not super woman! (Especially after my twins were born), I think it takes a strong person to show vulnerability and ask for and accept help.” – Sarah, Twins Make Five 

And some have become less judgemental…

“When my son got diagnosed with autism it made me more aware and now ( I hope) in less judgmental than I was before having children.” – Jo, First Time Valley Mam 

“I remember thinking that I and everyone else should be doing things a certain way before becoming a mum; since becoming a mum I realise that being judgemental serves absolutely no purpose in life or as a mother – people simply just need to do what they need to do to get by.” – Talya, Motherhood The Real Deal.

How have you changed since becoming a mum? Which of the above ring true for you? Do leave a little comment below and share…

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  1. I’ve actually become more paranoid now that I”m a mum. I worry about her too much 😉

  2. What a great post! I think being a mum changes most of us for the better, whether that’s being less bothered about what others think of us or being a kinder, softer person. I’m certainly a completely different person to my teenage self. 🙂

  3. I’m a mix of lioness and uber chilled. Everything falls into perspective when you’re a mum and u rarely stress over the little things

  4. Reading these type of post makes me feel nervous at the same time hey! I would love to be a mum one day. It’s nice to see how mothers change and accept for who they are: body, soul and having precious one. I’m proud to say My mum is the best and I’m grateful.

  5. ah that post has made me feel really warm and fuzzy… mummyhood really does change you as a person… i think it has made me more confident as a person over all.. but i never realized i have so much love inside me for just one little person x

  6. I’m not a mum so can’t comment on how it has changed me but I am sure it would as your priorities change and you have something in your life which is your ultimate number one x

  7. Becoming a mum made me paranoid. I worried about my kids. You know the usual mommy worries. But, I’m learning to trust them with the Lord. That enables me stay peaceful, knowing that God’s got my back, no matter what happens. I love this post!

  8. Ooo I love this. I think I’m actually a little bit more like all of these since becoming a mum. Certainly more confident and way more emotional. I’ve always been relaxed about things but I’m also very very anxious. I think I’ve just become a better version of me. #CoolMumClub

  9. Ah love this! I have definitely become more chilled out and more confident because who has time to worry about the irrelevant things in life! #coolmumclub

  10. Oh great post. I agree with so many of these. When I was working full-time I noticed that since having my children I was getting tasks done much quicker and I was good at multi-tasking! However, since finishing work those skills have gone a bit! I also feel more determined but then I am more emotional and I worry about the world my children are growing up in. I guess all skills that we need to be a good parent! 🙂 #coolmumclub

  11. This is a genius post!! It’s so true it changes you in so many ways and I’ve loved reading how other Mums feel they have changed. What a great idea for a post – fab as always honey xx #coolmumclub

  12. It is lovely to see how Motherhood changes everyone so differently. Since becoming a mum, I have become a bit of everything – more emotional yet stronger or more confident yet scatterbrained as well. #coolmumclub

  13. This is a great post. Becoming a mum has changed me so much and put me through some of the best and worst times! #coolmumclub

  14. Motherhood is a badge to be worn with pride. I think I have continued to change throughout motherhood as my children have grown up but I am particularly loving where I am at the moment. #coolmumclub

  15. This is so lovely, and actually made me quite emotional. Motherhood changed me irreversibly, through the amazement of becoming a mummy to my first and the devastation of losing our second. I think every single Mummy has a different journey, some more straight forward than others, and that journey shapes you into the person you are today, and perhaps the person that you were always supposed to be? #coolmumclub

  16. Lovely post with lots of contrasts that just go to show how different we all are! I feel less patient but that could be because I’ve got a toddler who is very challenging at the moment! I worry about the world around us and how my kids will grow up and like you I’ve become totally less judgemental. Everyone has their own parenting style and everyone is coping with their own thing. We need to support each other more. Thanks for hosting #CoolMumClub xx

  17. Such a great post! I love the fact that you have taken little “snippets” from other bloggers. I can totally relate to each and every title. It’s amazing how we grow. #coolmumclub

  18. what a brilliant idea for a post. Really made me stop and consider what has changed in me I’ve definitely changed – the more confident aspect definitely rang true as in terms of I can take on the world now that I’m a mum. I felt complete – that was the biggest thing for me – no more searching about who I should be anymore – that was a good change #coolmumclub

  19. Yes I can definitely relate to most of these. For me the main thing would be my perspective has changed MASSIVELY on many things, or should I say my priorities. Things that used to seem important pre-kids seem so trivial now I can appreciate what really matters to me. Lovely to hear other parents thoughts on this, and quite a relief to find I’m ‘normal’ 😉 #coolmumclub

  20. I can relate to most of this post, for me the biggest way becoming a mum bas changed me is a am more panicked and paranoid than ever. I worry about everything surrounding my kids and this was never me #coolmumclub

  21. So good to hear so much positivity. I would say it has definitely brought out a protective spirit in me and it has made me realise that I get bored really easily, so sitting down with the kids and playing board games is an effort! Whereas chucking a rugby ball around is great! Alison #coolmumclub

  22. I love this Post! So great to read how other mums are handling motherhood. I’ve gone thru so many different stages and am currently in the no makeup crap clothes who cares the house is in a mess stage! And loving it 🙂 #coolmumclub

  23. Great round up of reflections and experiences of others on parenthood. There are definitely some things that stand out for me here, like being more relaxed, confident, emotional, more patient and grateful. Life just has a whole different meaning now and I love who I have become and grown into as a parent. Emily #coolmumclub

  24. So many brilliant points. In some ways I think you grow with your kids too, developing parts of you that work for you now and throwing away parts that don’t. I guess we are always changing and adapting and motherhood is another way this happens. Loved reading it.#coolmumclub

  25. It’s really nice to see how people have changed since becoming a mum. I think mine still varies and I tick off so many of the boxes you’ve covered. Definitely not as on top of my game as I used to be and really don’t give two hoots most of the time at what people think – haven’t got time for that, haha! #coolmumclub

  26. Great post! Also so strange how your second child (and I presume children after) change you again, 17 weeks in and I know I have changed again. Mummy hood/parenthood is an incredible journey #coolmumclub xx

  27. This is such a wonderful, eye opening post! Like you said, motherhood changes you, and I feel like I change more every single day! I think it’s awesome to see how so many, especially other bloggers, feel so different!! Great topic, thanks for sharing!! #coolmumclub

  28. What a brilliant way to write a post about the different avenues of motherhood. I think it’s different for all of us but ending in the same result…love that we never knew existed. Thank you for hostessing #coolmumclub and I apologize for my delay in commenting as I have been vacationing for 2 weeks and trying to get blogging in when I can and have Internet.

  29. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. Great to see how becoming a mother changes us in many different ways. I know for me I became more outgoing, I use to be a very shy person but after having my son I love conversating with others. I’ve also become less of a push over. Great post.

  30. Love this post Talya!
    I have definitely become stronger as a person and definitely don’t care as much any more as to what others think of me. I do still make an effort for when I leave the house though, some make up etc just because it makes me feel better and ready to ‘face’ the day as it were. So nothing has changed there! But everything is different now and in the best possible way! I have met lots of new people and have lots of new opportunities. I have even decided to study for a career change because that’s what motherhood has done to me! I love every second.

  31. i have become more relaxed and more confident. i like my body more than before, but it has made me more alert and paranoid ….

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