Supporting children and their emotions about returning to school

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With the lion’s share of children not returning to school until after the summer break, these are increasingly strange times for our small humans. Eventually, children will be going back to school but probably not when or how they thought. With so much uncertainty and so many changes, it is likely that many children will be experiencing a range of emotions about returning to school when the day comes. For some, worry and anxiety may feature heavily in that.

With that said, I’ve teamed up with The Emotion Game – a fun game to help your children understand their emotions and Anita Cleare, founder of the Positive Parenting Project and author of The Work/Parent Switch: How to Parent Smarter not Harder to share our tips on how to help your children manage their emotions about returning to school when the time does come.

Exploring their emotions

We found The Emotion Game a really great way to explore our daughter’s emotions in this strange time. On the day we tested it out, she was actually in a positive space. She really enjoyed picking out the emotions and desire cards which resonated with her that day, and discussing why these emotions and desires came about, what the reasons for these might be and how they may relate not only to her but also to other people in our network of friends and family.

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But what I’m really looking forward to is using The Emotion Game on those wonky days. The days when she is worried, sad, anxious about what is happening and what is yet to come. Playing The Emotion Game is not only a brilliant exercise in self-awareness, but also for in empathy development.

Supporting young children who are anxious about going back to school

After a prolonged period at home, it’s natural for children to have worries about going back to school. Anita Cleare shares five simple, concrete ways that parents can support children who may be feeling anxious or stressed about returning to school.

Play as therapy

Young children often work through their worries in play. In the week before school starts, get out your child’s book bag and lunch box and pencil case and leave them lying around near their toys. After such a long time, these items will have a big novelty factor and children will be drawn to them.

Allow them to incorporate their school equipment into their play. You might find that they naturally start role-playing about going back to school. Observe quietly and you will have a wonderful window into their thinking! You might also notice that they start to work through their worries by voicing reassurance to themselves – such as pretending to be the teacher or parent.

Talk positively about change

Change can feel scary to children because they have far less experience of managing change. Think about what changes your child has already experienced – maybe, starting school, moving house or just going back to school after the long summer holidays.

Look at pictures from that time and talk about how those changes felt. How beforehand they felt nervous, how everything was strange but how, quickly, they felt like things had always been that way. Emphasise all the things that will be the same about school, not just the differences.

Finger breathing

Children love finger breathing because it is so tactile. Finger breathing is just a simple way to encourage children to take five deep breaths if they are feeling overwhelmed by a situation or emotion. Get them to spread their fingers on one hand in front of them. Using the pointing finger on their other hand, they trace around their fingers slowly, breathing in as they go up from base to tip and then breathing out as they slide back down the finger towards the hand.

The slower the better for nice deep breaths. Show them how to do finger breathing and your child will always have a portable strategy for calming themselves!

Worry book

If something is really preying on your child’s mind, help them park that worry so they don’t have to think about it all the time. Say something like, “That’s obviously a very important thought for you so let’s put it somewhere special.” You could get a worry notebook or decorate an old tissue box and post their worries in there.

Tell your child that whenever they want, they can go and look at the worry – but emphasise that it is somewhere safe so they don’t need to carry it about in their head all the time. At the end of the first week at school, you could revisit the worries and see if there are any that they are now happy to remove.

Reassure them

Even if you are feeling worried yourself, try not to transmit that. However big your child’s worries, the safety of a calm parent will provide comfort. So, make sure you are positive about going back to school. Ask open questions like, “I wonder what you will be learning about in Science this term?” Reassure your child that their teachers are really looking forward to seeing them. And that the teachers have been working hard to make sure that all the children will be safe and will be able to have fun and learn.

Teachers supporting children

There is obviously a lot teachers can do supporting children who may be anxious about returning to school. The “I’m feeling” cards work well in small groups where pupils can talk to each other about how they feel about different situations; and using the  “I’d like to” cards to express what they want to do.  

This gives them a framework and the words to express their emotions. It also allows the teacher time to reflect on the cards pupils are choosing; and possibly identify where a pupil may be struggling with an issue. Giving the pupils a structure and language to express themselves, and explore their feelings is extremely valuable during times like these.

Supporting children and their emotions about returning to school #parenting #parentingtips #school #covid
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We really hope the above tools and strategies will help you support your child/children if they are feeling nervous about returning to school.

The Emotion Game retails for £9.99 (Excl. P&P), to learn more visit

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  1. This is a great game for kids. I know my daughter is excited about returning to school. She misses all her friends.

  2. This seems like a great game for kids to express themselves. Everyone is anxious about going back to school and this game will help kids cope.

  3. This sounds like a really amazing game. I have to look into getting this for my nieces and nephews.

  4. I need to get this for my kids. It’s such a hard time right now, emotionally for everyone – I think we can all benefit from these activities.

  5. What an awesome game to play by kids and also by parents as it help us to know the different emotions of our kids with regards to going back to school and even in this present times.

  6. It is scary times for us all, but I think as long as the parent shows they are happy and confident for the child to attend school this will reflect down to the child who will then feel more confident

  7. This is such a great idea. What a wonderful game! I need to check it out for my kids. I think this is a brilliant idea.

  8. My daughter has already gone back to school for her year group. I also work in a primary school, and I know the lengths and measures that have been put in place to ensure the children and us staff are safe and protected as best we can.

  9. This year has already been so hard, so thanks for providing an easy way to support them!

  10. What a great way to involve kids and help them express themselves in these trying times. Wonderful game and perfect for my friends kids.

  11. Emotion game is such a great idea. I need to get those cards for my kid. We talk openly about returning to school, but he’s very very anxious. Great tips. I will definitely apply some of these advices.

  12. What a great game. I think that it is the same with most things – the children will tune in to our emotions so if we are anxious then they will be too.

  13. I’m a bit nervouse about the return to school in September. Well, I say ‘return’, Leo is currently at nursery so he actually starts proper school for the first time. It’s a shame he hasn’t had the chance to visit his new school for a morning but I’m hoping that he’s less concerned than I am!

  14. I think September is a good time for kids to return to school, we have to get back to some sense of normality sometime, and however they manage it, the start of the school year is the best time xx

  15. I am nervous about my daughter going back in September as I’m not sure if it will be safe enough yet. I also know that she needs to be at school to make sure she is learning enough and getting the support.

  16. I am still a bit worried about the children going back to school, but they have to sometime!

  17. This looks amazing Yes a child sees it as a “game” but really it’s a fantastic resources for talking about their thoughts and feelings and what help they need to get through wobbly moments that might happen come September

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