15 things to do when parenting feels like a chore in 2023

Let’s face it…anyone that denies that parenting feels like a chore at times is pretty much lying. As parents, we all need strategies to help us press that much needed reset button when the challenges of parenting get overwhelming.

One of the first things you can do (and should be doing) if you are feeling burned out is to talk to your spouse, co-parent, loved one, or partner. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of parenthood, and are finding little joy in daily living, get professional help.

I love being busy, but I learned to manage the chaos positively when I actively managed our daily household lives, so that the pressure did not result in poor choices which mainly manifested with me raising my voice and causing an atmosphere when feeling overwhelmed with parenthood.

While parenting can seem all stressful, it’s important to remember there is a great deal of joy that comes from parenting during the good times, too. This is what buffer us during the times when we feel drained and overburdened with an unrelenting flow of obligations and pressures.

Parenting feels like a chore when you’re feeling overwhelmed

The trouble is, feeling overwhelmed is a vicious cycle: It erodes your ability to function and care for everybody elses needs. When you have few internal resources, its no coincidence that our children appear to be acting much worse, dumping fuel on the fire. Most of my fellow parents probably relate to feeling burnt out at times, as though there is not anything left to offer you at the end of the day.   

On the one hand, isolation and a lack of social support are big risk factors for burnout and chronic stress, and parents who are not in line with the norm may be feeling alone. Reaching out for support will provide the mental and physical assistance needed to deal with the stressors that are inevitable when parenting.   

When you feel that the only way to deal with a situation now is by screaming at your kids or zoning out over a big bowl of chips and salsa–or when you do not even feel capable of doing either–try doing one or more of these things instead…and get back feeling the joys of motherhood

15 things to do when parenting feels like a chore

Have a break

It’s taken me nearly 5 years of parenting to work out that I need a break from it every couple of months. To have some time to myself to recharge my mummy batteries. To press reset again! I can tell when that is coming as things start to become all too much and I arrange with my husband to have a few hours to myself. Even if it’s booked in the diary a few weeks later, knowing that I will soon have this time, makes such a difference to me. –

Have an early night

If the day really has been way too much, have an early night. I just need to be on my own. I’d just take it out on my poor husband if I tried to be sociable with him. Maybe a bath first!

Go outside

Get outdoors. Now. At any cost. Even if nobody’s brushed their teeth, whatever, get outside and the whole atmosphere changes.

Have a cry

Crying it out makes the world of difference. Never hold it in because it just mounts up.

Make it a movie night

Mattresses on the floor and a movie night for the kids. It means no bedtime arguments, they relax and I open a bottle of wine. We have junk food, laugh and have lots of fun once a week. 

Have some retail therapy

Hit the shops…without the kids of course! Having time to browse and buying a few treats. And of course stopping for a spot of lunch is essential. Even if you normally end up buying stuff for the kids though!

Head to the beach

When things get too much head to the beach. The combination of driving over there and then pounding it out along the sea front listening to the waves just helps give you a moment to breathe!

Go for a bike ride

If you  can’t get alone time then try heading outside on your bikes for a long cycle in the country. The fresh air and wind in my hair is incredible, plus the kids can’t argue when cycling!

Laughter therapy

Find something for you all to laugh at. Nothing better than having a giggle to change every ones moods for the better. 

Stick on some music

Stick on your favourite tunes loud and have a dance party right there, right then. The kids will love it, you will love it. Everyone will smile and laugh.

Have some girl time

Get the girls together for a party night, wash your hair and put on something lovely, and go out for dinner and cocktails and embarrassing mum dancing around your handbags, and just be YOU for even just one night.

Call in the grandparents

Hand them over to nanna and grandpa for a few hours, put your dressing gown on and curl up with a good film and the hubby for a few hours. Even in the middle of the day we do this sometimes!

Hide in the toilet

Tell everyone you need a poo and vanish into the bathroom for 10 minutes and you won’t be dealing with anything until you are out or answering any questions shouted or on notes pushed under the door! Although apologetic mis-spelt notes from 6 year olds can usually diffuse any tension…

Have a glass of wine

There is a reason why mums talk about their love of wine and the countdown to wine o’clock – it’s amazing how much better you and everything else can feel after a single glass of wine!

Have a moan

If things get overwhelming it’s good to have a moan to your mum friends. It’s good to talk about things and then you realise that everyone else is going through the same trials and tribulations!

So what do you do when parenting feels like a chore? Any of the above, or perhaps you have something to add to this list. Do share in a comment below.

Picture credit: Designed by Freepik


  1. Ooh I quite fancy doing all of these today! I like to head off to a nice cafe with a magazine when I get the chance to (and it’s too early for wine!) 🙂 #coolmumclub

  2. An early night is a lifesaver but its something i alway forget and end up staying up too late! Wine and a moan #coolmumclub

  3. Oh lovely! I agreed with all of these! Especially go to the loo! It’s my number one hiding place! Thank you for such a great post!
    Liz x

  4. YES! This is all great advice! I often take a break every couple of month too, it is about as long as I can go without dumping them at the grandparents for 24 hours and letting loose (in a boring, subdued mum style these days). And music is a good one here too as it lifts the girls moods as well as mine.

  5. I am a mom of three-2 of them are girls-one is 16 and the other is 9. I am ALWAYS overwhelmed! If I hide in the bathroom…they find me!!! I have found the only way to get a “break” is to start cleaning. That is when they leave me alone.:)) #coolmumclub

  6. A post we all need to read now and again! I had a shocker of a week last week but I find a break in routine really helps – however or whatever that means.

    Sending a big fat #coolmumclub high five, thanks for being the best co-host and enjoy the week off lovely!

  7. Oh yes parenting is very overwhelming at times, you can feel lost in it all. It is good to have plans to step away from the situation to give you a clearer head to think at a later date X #coolmumclub

  8. Pretty much agree with all of these. I definitely think getting outside helps everyone as does laughing and dancing! And of course, you can’t argue with a glass (bottle?) of wine and some retail therapy! Thanks for hosting #CoolMumClub xx

  9. We regularly have dance parties at our house 🙂 they total relax everyone and we have such fun 🙂 #coolmumclub

  10. Lots of great, practical advice here. I definitely think getting outside works for me. And I do like to try and take my time in the bathroom! #coolmumclub

  11. Agree with all of these!! Especially getting outdoors – Taylor’s like a caged animal if we haven’t left the house by 9.30!! Great suggestions lovely x #coolmumclub

  12. I try to have time out when I can, but that nagging Mum Guilt is a bitch!! Always ruining my peaceful coffee! #coolmumclub

  13. I frequently hide in the toilet, or say I’m off to tidy or put clothes away upstairs and then just lie on the bed for five minutes. If I can’t do that then a dance party round the living room generally helps everyone’s mood x

  14. I’m glad I’m not the only one who frequently does the things you have listed, except go to the beach… I’m no where near one! #coolmumclub

  15. Definitely some of the above. I like to go to bed earlier than hubby and get lost in a good book. Go shopping on his day off but usually end up buying something for the girls! Of course going outside is natural for our family. #coolmumclub

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