9 things fathers wish mums knew about raising toddlers

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Fathers and mothers may have a different approach when it comes to raising toddlers. Some parents work together whereas others may fight over what they consider is the right way to raise children. As a father, there are things I wish my wife knew about raising our toddler. So I decided to share my thoughts with you in this article to see if there are other fathers out there that feel the same way. 

Things Fathers Wish Mums Knew About Raising Toddlers 

Mothers are natural-born nurturers because they are excellent at comforting their children. But there are certain aspects of raising toddlers that they don’t always realise may affect children in the long run. Take a look at the 9 things fathers wish mums knew about raising toddlers in this next section.

Not Being Too Overprotective 

It’s natural for mothers to want to protect their children from harm. Mothers know what’s dangerous for their toddlers such as: 

  • The toddler putting small items in their mouths
  • Climbing on top of chairs or furniture
  • Walking next to a swimming pool
  • Running with sharp objects 

But some mothers can be overbearing and are afraid of everything their toddlers do. This causes the mother to shelter their toddlers too much. 

Overprotecting a toddler can cause them to become too sensitive when they grow up. Some studies suggest that overbearing parents can cause children to develop anxiety

Feeding Toddlers Using a Proper High Chair 

There are plenty of products on the market that are designed specifically for feeding toddlers. The most important product you can purchase for your toddler is a high chair. However, some mothers don’t think about the impact a low-quality high chair can have on their toddler. 

A high chair should promote excellent posture and have the necessary safety features to prevent your toddler from falling out of the chair. Ideally, you want to choose a baby high chair for your counter height table if you have such a table. Choose one that’s adjustable so your baby can sit at the perfect height of your table for easy feeding. 

Getting Frustrated Over Small Situations 

Mums have a lot on their minds and sometimes they’re dealing with all sorts of stressful situations. This causes them to get frustrated over small situations especially when toddlers become fussy

Some fathers wish that mous would try to assess the situation first before getting angry. Toddlers are hyperactive and sometimes they won’t want to listen. It’s important not to shout or get irate and rather address the situation calmly. If done the correct way, mothers can be strict without shouting or getting frustrated. 

Dads Are Parents – Not Babysitters 

Mothers deserve to have breaks every now and then. Sometimes simply going to the salon or going out for coffee with friends is enough to recoup. Dads should take care of their children, e.g. taking them to a playground, when mothers are out but it shouldn’t become a regular occurrence. 

Fathers are there to raise children to the best of their ability but they shouldn’t be treated like they’re the babysitter. Perhaps you can hire a babysitter so that you can share your outings with your partner.  

Allow Toddlers to Get Dirty While Playing Once in a While

Some fathers wish mums would allow their toddlers to play in the dirt or run through puddles of water once in a while. Toddler clothes can be expensive so mothers sometimes get frustrated when they get dirty. But if you set clothes aside for your children to play in then they’ll be able to have more fun without worrying about getting dirty. 

Research shows that toddlers who play or even eat dirt can develop a strong immune system. If toddlers are always clean their immune systems won’t build up a defence against germs and bacteria. So if you want to prevent your child from always getting ill regularly, then allow them to play in the dirt. 

Raising a Child with a Healthy Body Image 

Mothers should never talk about weight as a negative, especially with toddler girls. Some mothers discuss negative aspects of body image in front of toddlers which can affect them as they get older. Mothers should always raise their toddlers with a healthy body image. 

Toddlers Mirror Everything You Do 

It’s important to know that toddlers are at that special age where they mirror everything you say and do. If you cuss, it’s not long before your toddler starts repeating the same words you say. Gossiping about others also teaches children that it’s ok to talk about others behind their backs. If you want to raise toddlers a certain way you have to be a positive example to them. 

Forcing Toddlers to Be a Certain Way 

Some mums want their daughters to be girly girls and others want their boys to be more active in sport. The truth is, your toddler is starting to develop their own sense of self and they will start to develop their own interests. Try not to force your toddler to be who you want them to be. 

Discussing Different Ways of Raising Toddlers with the Dad 

It takes two parents to raise a toddler but some mums don’t include the dad in certain decisions. Fathers should always be included in any decisions mothers make about raising their children. Together you can discuss various ways to raise your toddler. For example, create ways that you can enforce discipline without spanking your toddler.  

Final Thoughts 

Mums are always going to be the best at nurturing their children but there are certain do’s and don’t’s when it comes to raising toddlers. Use this guide to help you raise a strong-willed child that’s compassionate and ready to take on the world!

Author bio

Balint Horvath is the founder of Projectfather.com. His mission is to help you in A-Z of fatherhood, how to cope with all the challenges.

Picture credit: Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

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