A special birthday letter to my daughter on her 5th birthday

To my darling E,

I can’t believe I am sitting here writing this to you now. The fact that you have been on this planet for half a decade blows me away and it feels like only yesterday I was sat here this time last year writing you a letter for your 4th birthday. Where has the time gone?

This has been the year that all motherhood dreams are made of – the year when you developed into the daughter I always knew you would be. And I became the “best mummy ever” – in your eyes at least! The insatiable tantrums behind us, and instead a unique and amazing smiley little girl with an unflawed and fantastically insightful view of the world by my side.

Your affection knows no bounds – with never ending cuddles – and you have grown into the most emotionally intelligent, empathetic yet brave and fiesty being.

You have blown me away with your desire to be the best person you can be, your can-do attitude, you willingness to have a go, your determination to always try your best and challenge yourself, your perseverance in all that you do, your brilliant imagination and your warm and caring nature. 

Don’t get me wrong – we still have our tough times and challenges, we have our bad days and sometimes bad weeks…because that’s life and there’s no such thing as perfect…as I always like to tell you! But I can’t shake the fact that we can all learn so much from you and you are an amazing inspiration to me in a world which often seems to have forgotten what’s important and can sometimes become so overwhelming.

This was the year that we handed you over to school life – not sure what to expect, but absolutely thrilled with the results after a period of settling in. There you were stood on your steps in your school uniform for the first day, as proud as a peacock, ready to soak in with excitement and  everything it would bring to you.

School has brought out all of the best in you and more, and while a little bit of me always wants to stop the growing up train, I’m also so proud of your increasing independence and your mental, physical and emotional development as your continue to discover and relish the world around you.

You are always to keen to do everything, to learn and to challenge yourself and your zest for life is still 100% infectious. Your energy, essence, conversation and sense of humour is second to none, and I promise I will continue to build on your foundations of self esteem, self worth and individuality – to lay the pathway for the years ahead, whatever they may bring.

They say that five is the golden age of childhood – life is fun, full of adventure, giggles and glee and gloriously uncomplicated.  It’s the age when everything is crazy coo coo, fascinating beyond belief, and adventure is around every corner.

And I know it will be for you.

Happy birthday to E, you’re still our super girl, so continue to wear that cape with pride because the world is yours for the taking.

With love to the moon and back, a zillion times over.

Your best mummy in the world,




  1. Oh love – this has given me all the tears this morning So lovely and heartfelt and exactly how I feel about my incredible 5 year old! xx

  2. Aww Tayla, I didn’t expect that to be so emotional. Isn’t she gorgeous, I can literally feel how proud you are glowing off the page. Happy Birthday E – 5 is a brilliant age xx

  3. What a beautiful post! Looks like you have made some amazing memories together, you both look so happy 🙂

  4. Awww what a beautiful letter to your daughter, I can feel the love radiate throughout your words X #coolmumclub

  5. All the feels going on right here now! It’s hard to admit that I’ve found the days post toddler so much easier…when you still have a toddler. This reminded me though that those testing days aren’t forever, and I agree – five is definitely a moment to be celebrated, when you find your little buddy who no longer seems hard work, and is the best company ever!
    Sending a huge #CoolMumClub happy birthday to E from me and the fam

  6. Aw she sounds like a very fun loving spirited little girl. This has made me decide to do these for my lot, as such a lovely way to look back on each year.#coolmumclub

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